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hi everyone


just wanted some tips really on the best kind of traces for smoothound and the ideal bait.


i know they like crab and will take squid does anybody know were i can get a supply of hermits for the charter trip and maybe this weekend. i am also going to get some hardbacks because people say these work is this true.




Hermit crabs are getting difficult to come by, as many whelks (shell) are harvested from the sea and once extracted, the shells are crushed and burnt to make compost and other things. The number of available shell for hermit to move up are limited.


Not to mention when we use hermit, we tend to smash the shell, further limiting the number of shell in the sea.




Hi sam, I havnt fished for the smoothies since a Charter trip on Ocean Lass last summer in the solent. We had squid, peeler, hermit & hardbacks. I have spoke to loads who have landed fish on hard back, with the shell slightly crushed but i tend to think from the trips that i have had that a peeler will outfish everything, including hermits. Peeler are a bit more pricey if you buy them than hermits. You should be able to start collecting peeler soon anyway. Others may favour hermit but just from past sessions I would favour peeler.


Sam, we're getting peelers up in the mid to top reaches of Southampton Water, so you should be getting them on the beaches near you. Dead easy to spot...pinch the lower section of the leg, if it falls away and leaves flesh...the crab is a peeler, or ready to "pop". Bets storage, as I'm sure your dad knows, is in a tray, in the fridge, and spray them with sea water occasionally.

Peelers here are 80p each...extortionate if you ask me, when you can collect boatloads in one trip to the tide reach. If you get stuck, I'll try Marchwood, Magazine Lane, for some reason that is a prolific peeler harvesting ground.




Ps I'll speak to BB re. hermits for the chater trip ok??



For traces, I find a simple 3ft flowing trace works fine. Use 40-50lb line to resist the jaws, strong 3/0 hook and maybe a booby bead a foot up from the hook. Hardbacks do work and seem to pick out the bigger fish, hermits work well but also pick up dogs and pout, peelers are probably best but way too expensive for those who can't collect their own sad.gif Don't discount squid either, as a bait on its own or as a cocktail with crab. We've seen days when they only want squid.






How do you serve your hard backs?


Live and wriggleing


Crushed (and dead)


Cut halves (very very dead)


Following on from that is the obvious question of 'is size important?'





How do you serve your hard backs?


Live and wriggleing


Crushed (and dead)


Cut halves (very very dead)


Following on from that is the obvious question of 'is size important?'




Hi Duncan,

I like to keep them alive, alive-oh. Hook in through the back leg socket and out either same route on the other side or through the rear shell edge, depending on size. Push them up the shank to keep the hook gape nice and clear, then hang a little squid flag off it. I think the hounds may well home in on the sound of a hardback, hence the booby bead.

I was worried that the crabs would just drag me under a rock but it doesn't seem a problem.

As for size, bigger it is the bigger the hound has to be to get hooked up. I like the smaller guys about 2" across the shell but I've seen some real monster crabs take (large) hounds.




When ive been out with the charter skippers, the hard backs that we used were alive, but he smashed the shell with the T bar to release some smell. Millions of peeler traps at muddiford, ive put loads down myself (just 12 inch sections of gutter) so anyone who wants to pull crabs out of my traps then just go ahead and do it. You get lots of eels in there aswel. Tope bait????


ok guys thanks for that i will have to try and get some peelers off the mudflaps down by dads work.


i might be going out with paul sunday so might try it then






Could you PM me the locations of your traps plz and I will take a trip down there on Saturday for some crab nabbing smile.gif




ok guys thanks for that i will have to try and get some peelers off the mudflaps down by dads work.


i might be going out with paul sunday so might try it then



Sam you've just reminded me about the way we 'harvested' peelers way back in the stone age when I was a kid. And the area around PYC is ideal as not too many bait gatherers get down there what with it being Yottie territory.


What we did was get som old curved ridge tiles and place them in rows on the mud hollow side down. Now Mr crabby come along lookin' for a shelter to change his skin in and begger me there's this perfect little cave smile.gif


We used to place them so that they would 'show' at low springs. All you had to do was walk down the line of ridge tiles lifting them up to see what had made it's home underneath. Pick the crabs and put the tile back. But you need to be there early on just as they start to show through the water to make sure no one else tries to pinch 'your' crabs mad.gif


I bet if you give your dad 50p he'd pop out and do the collecting for you laugh.gif


Mad Mike



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