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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Decided to have a crack at the tope this weekend, esp. with the small tides and light winds. Leisurely cruise round to the west and stopped for plenty of fresh mackerel.


The first mark didnt produce so we moved further out into 200'. Things were very slow, but then out of the blue and interupting me cooking the bacon sarnies and tea I got a cracking bite on my mackerel fillet. A fantastic fight lasting 10 mins or so ensued resulting in a new PB for me - a 34lb 10oz tope! What a fantastic fish, a lovely bronze hue to her back and full of muscle. We slipped her back after a few piccies and waited for the next one! Unfortunatly it didnt come, so at 2pm we moved out futher still to a wreck to have a bash at a few eels.


On arriving we had a drift to establish the lie of the boat and as I came over the back of the wreck something slammed my feathers and headed for the bottom - I was on 30lb class gear and this fish was streaming line off the TLD15, then just as I though Id turned it, the hook pulled! - Gutted!...what was it? A big pollock or a bass maybe? We anchored the wreck and took a few eels to 30lb ish then a big yellow dive boat turned up from weymouth and proceeded to try and moor alongside me and charlie, at least thats what I thought he was doing, he was close enough! Dowbn went the shot followed by a dozen rubber suits and off went the fishing. No courtesy call on the VHF, no hand signals, hell he could have spoken to me on deck, nothing - just plain %^&&* rude.


We moved again, to another lump of rust and had a nother few eels and called it a day at 6pm. Not a fantastic day, saved by the tope really, but nice to be out.




...oh, and I had a Bull Huss. A baby one. sad.gif


I also caught a 30lb eel but Adam even wanted a had in that. The eel took both our baits so we brought it up together. mad.gif So, that one doesn't count for the book. mad.gifmad.gif



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