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If you want to read about this here is the MMO official letter


I think you will find it is aimed at commercial fishing




From: SM-MMO-MMO Conservation <conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk>
Sent: 01 February 2021 12:13
Subject: MMO consultation on draft measures for fishing in four offshore MPAs


Dear stakeholder,


We are launching a formal consultation on draft byelaws to manage fishing in the following four offshore marine protected areas:


  • Dogger Bank Special Area of Conservation;
  • Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge Special Area of Conservation;
  • South Dorset Marine Conservation Zone; and
  • The Canyons Marine Conservation Zone.


Please find attached the formal consultation letters for further details.


How to respond


Please respond no later than 28 March 2021. You can respond by reviewing the relevant documentation, including the draft byelaws, and completing our online survey by visiting: https://consult.defra.gov.uk/mmo/formal-consultation-mmo-mpa-assessments


If you are not able to access the above survey, you can respond via the details below. Due to the current COVID-19 situation we are asking all stakeholders to use email rather than post if possible.


Copies of the draft byelaw may also be inspected at any MMO office. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, please contact MMO using the details below if you wish to inspect a copy of the draft byelaw at an MMO office.


By email to: conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk

By telephone to:  0300 123 1032

In writing to:

Marine Conservation Team
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Newcastle upon Tyne


We will also be publishing our next steps for management of marine non-licensable activities in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone later this month.


Kind regards,


Marine Conservation Team | Marine Management Organisation

+ Lancaster House | Hampshire Court | Newcastle upon Tyne | NE4 7YH

8 conservation@marinemanagement.org.uk

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