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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After the discusion taking place after Charlie's trip, I have moved the possibility of a trip to the Rips to here.


The calander is very full. The weekend of the 18 & 19th June are the only free. What are the tides?






The tides are quite small from what I can tell on WXTide ( looking up Portland's ).

The lowest tide appears to be on the 15th June.


( Assuming I am reading wxtide correctly )


A couple of months ago I stumbled on a site wher ethey had a downloadable list of the best tides to go channel wrecking. I am trying to remeber where I found it now ( it was well hidden away ).



The 18/19th is mid tide so shouldn't be much of a problem.


Because the weather has to be absolutely perfect, why don't we pencil in a few dates, just incase the first one doesn't work out.




Hi guys

The 18th and 19th June are good for me, as I get back from the states on the 17th.

What I would bear in mind is that the rips fishes noticably better on a flood tide, and as on these dates the tide will not be flooding until later in the afternoon, this might leave fishing alittle bit slow. we could always stop off at the Brittle Star ground for Cod, which is only a few miles before the Rips.

Like I say I am willing to follow you out and be there in case anyone needs any help.


So - that's the 29th Burnham match, 5th Bream comp, 10/11 48 hr Specimen and the 18/19th rips weekend..................


Don't know how you guys do it! sad.gif


If the weather is right I may well runout to the rips on the 10/11 to suit the tide but I am probably going to have to miss the 5th if I want any chance of that weekend now. Happy to go in company oif that suits anyone else - let me know nearer the time.


Good idea Duncan, that would free up a weekend and kill 2 birds with one stone so to speak.


What do the tides and states look like?



Absolutely no idea - but in a 48hr window there must be something fishable! The comments re flood tide have been echoed elsewhere so heading out on the ebb, when I never catch much anyway, maybe fishing a wreck out that way on the slack then drifting the rips through the flood and reverse the process back in would seem to be in order - breaks the trip up a bit too.

When was the last time a cod featured in the 48hr comp results?


All the above assumes we are not hopping around looking for shelter the whole weekend of course!


Hi there, June 18 is my birthday. Anyone feeling generous enough to invite me along as crew to offer me a new type of fishing and try out my new solid carbon rod?? Happy to contribute to fuel costs and tea-making.


Fingers crossed,




The calender is very full!

Ive got all these fishing dates to try and make,I dont get weekends of work ph34r.gif and weve got a new baby due on the 17th of June . weep.gif

Ill just have to wait and see if I can make any !!!!!!!! ohmy.gif




Yes Duncan I agree.


I have aksed Jack and Andy of they fancy a trip on Pal-O-Mine, if so hopefully Ill tag along with them - bit more sturdy than BW!


Hey James - love the way you have planned the arrival to miss your fishing diary!


Kam - would never plan to be out for the full 48hrs as the fridge isn't big enough....... sad.gif seriously I plan to go with the flow; if we get a windless weekend of sunshine then I might well do exactly that, possibly popping back into Swanage Weymouth Yarmouth or wherever. However I realise that this is likely to be impractical (from a fuel perspective mainly ?) for many. For me overnighting in Swanage saves me 3 hours of motoring (mainly through Poole Harbour) and another 2 clearing the boat then setting it up again - I don't leave any marine or fishing gear aboard. However it does mean finding someone who is flexible through the weekend too.


Adam - looks like we will have a nice mid tide over the 48hr, with the tide flooding through to midday. This would be pretty perfect for boats to launch / slip moorings at first light on the last of the ebb and runout on either Sat or Sun.


My piece of magic seaweed sugests that June will be colder, wetter and windier than average this year. Don't be misled in to thinking summer is here by the warm couple of days this weekend. The only slim chance of a good spell in June is if the 'Azores high' extends enough to cover the SW and S areas of the UK.

Apart from that 'SW maritime' wet and windy weather will be the predominant feature.


'Smazin wot you can get from seaweed biggrin.gif


Mad Mike


Duncan, the water should still be fairly cold so you can onion sack the beers and daggle it overboard, regarding food, you'll just have to eat what you catch laugh.gif

Guest Guest_duncan_Fisherman

after wot Adam has said about the tope and the onion sack (or was it Charlie?) you think I would risk the beers? If they are prepared to tear up a sack for a manky bit of old squid just think what they would do for a case of Stella........ sad.gif


Sadly I am inclined to believe Mike (this time) and will realistically expect to dash out at the slightest gap in the wind and rain for a specimen Pout; then back to the bar rolleyes.gif


Mike.I think you could have kept THAT gem of information to yourself,I am bloody depressed now,I shall be in Snowdonia in June,and it's cold and wet there,when its great elsewhere,so goodness knows what it will be like this year.... sad.gif jack

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