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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took mate and his 10 year old son fishing today.

Was drifting towards shore at the SRM when a totally idiotic  WAFI  on a yacht called " CAPTIVATOR "

passed us at no more than 20 FEET away !!!

When I " complained " at the elderly " skipper  ???" he said I should of moved as he had priority over motor......

Can you believe the arrogance of some of these twats !! 🤬


Some of these rag and stick owners can be complete idiots. I can never get my head around why on such a large piece of water they choose to come so close. I realise they use other boats as markers for tacking, but seriously why do they have to wait so long before they come about??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I feel your frustration Mick!


I think there's two issues here...

  • The first mentioned above is "consideration for others", and the vast majority of sailboat owners would observe this basic "right", and keep out of the way of others, particularly if they're not doing any harm out of the way.
  • The other is The International Regulations for the Avoidance of Collision at Sea (ColRegs), and in the event of an actual collision, where would the legal liability lie?

Given that the mark being fished was just to the south of the Hook Sands, and on the direct/shortest "safe water" line to Poole from the Isle of Wight (or vice versa), it was quite natural that the yacht would be passing through this general area. It's my understanding that the yacht, if under sail only, would be the "stand on" vessel under the ColRegs, and that powered vessels on his track should be keeping a good look out, and take early and prompt avoiding action as appropriate.


Personally, I think a bit more consideration would have been warranted from the yacht, but in the event of a maritime court of law, the verdict relating to liability would almost certainly have been clear.


I've had a big motorboat make a high-speed banking turn next to my first 19' sailing boat, "accidentally" swamping the air-cooled outboard engine with his wash, and have had dive boats "invade" a mark I've been anchored at, effectively pushing me off, but I wouldn't dream of getting so close to a drifting angling boat, irrespective of wind and tide, but regretfully some yachtsmen (and others) in this world believe they are "entitled" to ignore consideration for others.


I personally think the increasingly crowded seas would be a much nicer place, if we all tried to give a bit more space for other water users.




When we started our drift Mike he was a good half mile away from us, so we were nowhere near his track by the time he reached us .

He had plenty of time and plenty of ocean to be able to avoid us, we were the only boat in the area !!

He could of EASILY turned his rudder by 2 degrees and cleared us by miles.

We were bow on to him, we were watching the area as plenty of pots there, he was totally out of order getting that close..


i fished Chichester harbour a few times, doing some sport fly fishing for bass and wading out on the gravel bars.


If you want to see some sail vs motor chaos, go in there on a day when the kids sailing school is out.


it is utter carnage

1 hour ago, great white said:

Had the same with a yacht on Saturday off of Southbourne


Except I was at anchor [No ball up] he was close enough for a chat and luckily I had Wendy on board so the language was turned down {A BIT]

Could of been the same idiot Charlie, he was coming from the east !

Scared the life out of 10 year old boy.

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