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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had a call from Mark B, early morning, and with both of us blagging a short day...launched from Cobbs at around 1530hrs, fantastic sun, flat calm sea.....letts hope the fish play1


Collected rag from Poole Angling, together with mini squid, cuttle, and hopefully macky, we'd have the tools to hit the fish.


Steaming out towards one of the guys ray marks, we stopped to bag up on mackerel, and the Mackerel Meister was soon "Hauling 'em in!" wink.gif


Getting to the mark, around four thirty, we only squeaked out a few doggies, although smaller rigs were snatched by passing shoals of Mackerel before they hit thesea bed. No Ray, so we up anchored, and nipped across to the patch, where "Sheila Marie" was already enjoying some sport. As soon as the tide picked, we were into the bream, not huge, but excellent sport, with the odd micor macky coming to rigs with fleuro tubing on the hooks, as added atractors...they must have been about six inches long, perfect for the Bass, alas none of them showing.


With bacon and sausage sarnies and a complimentary lager quaffed, we decided to call it a day at around nine thirty.


Great sport, great weather, and some banter with a few other club boats to boot, why can't all trips be like this??


thanks Mark, looking forward to the Burnham Comp, this sunday.




Having swapped Friday for Tue/Wed next week I wasn't best pleased when the forecast picked up somewhat................


However, as others Dave adn I finally got of the berth around 1645h and headed out.

Tide was still ebbing when we came round to ballard so we tried a drift for bream without success.

Picking up mackerel at Peveril we headed due South a few miles past Anvil with the sea calming as we moved out of the influence of the headlands.

Ended up with 2 rays on the very last of the ebb run to mackerel baits intended for tope.............. smile.gif Both fish weighted less than they looked and were a little thin for their size - both struggled to fit the net (well Dave made a song and dance about it anyway so I had better get a bigger net soon) but came up at 13 lb 8oz for the blonde and 12 lb 8oz for the undulate.

Slack showed nothing and we quit at teh flood really got going and the sun disappeared........... sad.gif

Back on the berth at 1045h with the wind starting to freshen...............


Cleaned boat and went home today...... mad.gif having chucked a pound of rag and my sense of humour firmly over the side in frustration of this wind.


Role on 2 weeks time............... ph34r.gif


at least I admitted I was expecting tope........... smile.gif


mind you 30lb pike style wire snoods and smallish circlish hooks can take anything........


I think I'll try that tactic tomorrow, then. Fish for Tope but hope to catch a nice Ray. tongue.gif


I don't suppose the Burnham boys will be fishing for Rays. They'll probably like to fish for something different. (although, do they get many Blondes in the channel?)



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