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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As you know, I'd only started fishing not long ago. On Sunday I caught my second ever ballan wrasse. It wasn't a large one, about 2 lbs. I reeled him up real slow but on returning him to water he floated down tide belly up. That was the second wrasse which didn't swim away. It was out of water no more than 1 min, may even be as short as 30 seconds. The corkwing I caught swam away happily. So don't they survive well out of the water? What can I do to make sure they live to be caught again?


Sometimes they need to be held in the water for a short while to recover ( I had a bream yesterday which needed to be held until it recovered and then swam off fast ).






Its probably not the length of time they are out of the water but the depth of water they come up from and the speed they come up. The swim bladder blows as they cannot adjust to the change in water pressure quickly enough.


As Paul has said if they are suffering from exhaustion then holding them in the water the correct way up for a while might help them to recover



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