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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The fresh to strong East - N.east wind upset plans to go to the Rips on Sun. [ a bumpy ride up to the Ledge confirmed decision].


Another struggle to find mackerel........ 7 in an hour or so !!.....and wind getting up.


Comfort suggested a trip across to Barton to get the shelter of the cliffs.... what a difference [ and warm sunshine to boot]. Geared up for 80m.+, we were fishing in about 3m. ........... but a good tide running.......... just the weed to deal with.


A steady stream of fish; turbot, bream, small eye ray, bass, spider crabs [ kept for supper..... gorgeous!], dogfish.


Weather calmed and tide eased, so went back out to the Ledge........ where it was dogfish central.......... but found a few bream, pout, poor cod, wrasse and a small tope [ just under 10 lbs.], a first for me .....don't they wriggle a lot on board when you unhook them?; I grabbed it firmly on the snout and it completely stopped! until it went back in the water.


I think these tope must move about a bit! We first saw this fish follow a little hooked bream right to the side of the boat [Jaws - style], it then took Neils bait on the retrieve and snapped his light bream line. Within 3 mins I hooked it on the bottom , in 21m. and brought it in, wrapping itself in my 18 lbs. hook length.


An early finish on a suuny afternoon on what seemed a very different day to the early morning.......... but too late to go Ripp...ing.


Hope others enjoyed the Comp. and scored lots of points.




we had one tope of 40lb onboard and went screaming off with dads line on his uptider.


this one wasnt to happy when i grabbed its tail to pull it in




Well done Sam !


Do you think my trick of the snout grab / pinch would work with bigger fish for keeping them quiet / still when unhooking ??




im not sure we turned it on its back and held it there so it was confused were it was and then covered its eyes




Two methods for tope (big or small) make sure you have the deck clear as they are capable of breaking rods and legs with their powerful tail!


Either - take hold of the tail root with one hand and the dorsal with the other and 'absorb' the bucks and kicks, or lay them on the deck and sit astride the fish BUT NOT ON IT to subdue it.


Better still, T Bar them off at the edge, the barbless hooks you have been using will slip straight out.....!



If you're suggesting T-barring off before the fish is in the boat do you think I should have counted my two tope which each came off of the hook as soon as the other crew grabbed hold of the trace line?

This cost me ten points for two tope and also the points for another species.

Or should I just put it down to tough luck?






I would have thought that once the crew member had hold of the trace line then you could have counted them.

I stand to be corrected however !




Simon if you or the crew have hold of the trace the fish counts biggrin.gif


If not there is no way of getting them off without bringing them onboard, which we only usually do so that they can be tagged and the data recorded.


any that are to small for tagging are t-barred off. as are most congers dogfish etc


Please send another score sheet biggrin.gif


Charlie biggrin.gif


Thanks for that Paul,

It's not a case of sour grapes (honestly wink.gif ).


I've had the pi** (mickey) taken out of me for missing quite a few good takes over the last few weeks and when I eventually get two to the side of the boat they both sneak off at the last hurdle weep.gif


You win some, you lose some


you lose some wink.gif


Thanks Charlie,

Jason actually had hold of the trace both times. It wasn't his fault but he was just as fed up as me.


When I lifted Tony's in I grabbed the root of the tail and the dorsal fin in one quick movement and this seemed to work OK.




I hope this doesn't mean you move ahead of me in scores ?!?! - In which case I would suggest that losing the fish whilst holding the trace is definitely not allowed biggrin.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.gif

( But then I would have a problem as I lost one of my bream this way ! )



I wouldn't worry - it was by far my best species comp ever. Just seemed to get lucky ( Usually I end up with two or 3 species if I am lucky ), so maybe I am getting better ( or luckier ).


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