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Just to carry on the tradition of being proud enough of new boats to put a picture on the website, mine's here and nearly ready to go (if I have managed to attch the file - can't work out the thumbnail bit)


Hopefully out this Sunday, but might be next Sunday.



Will hopes...Hopefully out this Sunday, but might be next Sunday.


I know the feeling Will. Mark my fishing/half owner expected to have a week free to share the fitting out. Then he got a couple of jobs that paid too much to say no to, so here I am doing it all on my own sad.gif


Mad Mike


Nice one Will


I look forward to hearing how you get on with her.


Have some safe fun with her and if you find some fish ................ PLEASE let me know where! ohmy.gif





Thanks all.


In reply:


The one in the background: Belongs to the bloke I bought it off Sam, and failed my missus' criteria (must have a house on it!?!). The one in the background is a Predator 16, I was very impressed with it and nearly had it instead, but of course no house!


Getting it dirty: been out on the Thames already, and I assure that's a dirty, dirty place.


The name: Ultimate Chaos, as the previous was Total Chaos (named by the previous owner), there's only one way to go.


Next Sunday it is! Not ready this Sunday weep.gif As for finding the fish, fingers crossed. This man looks like he's praying rolleyes.gif which is what I'll be doing!






I see you are coming down to Lymington on Sunday. I will endeavour to get some crew and will join up with you if you wish ?




That would be very welcome, thank you Paul....I could do with all the help available!


Have been given some co-ordinates by Adam F to try out as well.


If you get the crew, give me a shout 07832 368319 or send me your number and I'll call you....just waiting for my charts to arrive on the post - they seem to have gone missing!








Have crew now - Gordon is coming along ( I have sent you PM with my contact details ).


Now feeling guilty as I noted that Kam had a message re: Crew for Sunday 10th July. Perhaps we can get some other boats along and make a trailaway of it ( or we could keep all those smoothies to ourselves smile.gif ).


Anyone else up for Lymington Sunday 10th ? ( hoping that the weed is not as bad as last time we fished there .... )


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