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ive been offered a bankside mooring at tuckton(after a years wait) but im having serious misgivings about it now .

does any member moor there?

is vandalism and theft rife?

will it be any easier than trailering

your opinions are sought rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

oh yes and is the fishing any better off xchurch(than poole)





Can only answer a couple of these.


The fishing is brilliant out a Christchurch. A great variety of choises. The only problem is the tide restrictions at low water because of the sand bar at Mudeford, and a couple of shallow sections coming up the river. I usually try to aviod 2 hrs either side of low water. Some get away with 1 hr either side, depending if its neaps or springs.


Is mooring better than trailering? Depends on the size of your boat. Lots of pros and cons.


Having a boat on a trailer means you can mess with your boat to your hearts content when it's on the drive. It's also easy to load up and prepare the boat. If you are on a mooring you will need to load up a small tender to get your gear onto your moored boat. That can be a pain. If you can reach the boat from the shore then I'd suggest you are vulnerable to vandalism.


If you're on a mooring you will restrict your self to that location. Do you want to trailer to other venues?


Personnaly, if I am mooring a boat I would go all the way and put it on a pontoon to aviod all the other hassles of a swinging mooring.


But its all up to you and your individual circumstances. There's no right answer.




I used to keep Maverick on a pontoon berth in Poole. I cant really comment on a bankside mooring but can give you my view on both trailering and berthing from my personal viewpoint


With a boat on a pontoon you would tend to use it more, I definately did. It is great to be able to just turn up with your basic kit jump on and go. Short evening sessions or half days are a breeze. On the other hand as Bob suggests you would need to be happy with your location and its security along with fishing grounds restricted to the range of your boat from your berth. On the security front I would be a little wary of a bankside mooring and the ease of access to those who may not appreciate the fruits of your labour in quite the same way you do. Every time the wind blows above a gentle puff your down there checking the lines and that the fenders are still in place and that everything is ok. With a boat on a mooring/pontoon you have the additional pain of regular antifouling and changing of annodes plus everything seems to last half as long when fully exposed to all that the weather can throw at it.


Trailering is a bit of a pain in as much as its bloomin hard work sorting everything out towing to the venue, launching then fishing all day. When you return to the slip the hard work really begins as you know. Those little evening forays can seem hardly worth all the effort put into launch and retreiving when you take into account the time it takes to get the boat on and off the water. On the plus side is the freedom to go wherever you like, the excitement of trying new venues, the ease of maintenance with the boat always being to hand. Last but not least of course there's the comerarderie of the trailer boat section of pbsbac. cool.gif


To sum up then I don't regret returning to trailer boating and enjoy all that it entails but I do miss being able to just jump on the boat and going.


All the above is probably no help to you but it is exactly as I view it and may give you food for thought.




Also check what postion your boat will be in, what sort of access, relating to tide is it available? I was once offered a mud bank in SOuthampton, it dries out at low tide so access is restricted to 1/4 up. Also I wasn't very keen on the boat sitting on a plate of mud twice a day, plus anyone can walk to the boat at lowish water.


No problems with drying out and access for the bankside moorings at Tuckton and I haven't seen any particular vandalism ( they are around out of the "main drag" so I guess are not frequented by your everyday vandal types ? ).


However, they are easily accessible, so the potential is always there I guess.


They are also quite sought after I believe ?



Guest fish finger

We have our boat on a pontoon berth at RIBs marina in xchurch. It is great, just grab your gear, jump into the boat and your off. Also the the motor gets a fresh water flush at the end of every trip. You could always ask people with moorings at Tuckton if they they have any problems with vandalism.


A very easy way to monitor marine crime in site specific areas is to speak directly to the marine unit, Dorset Constabulary. Just ask them how many crimes were committed in the most recnt four month period for specific moorings, ask them the type of crime, ie criminal damage, theft of, theft from, etc, but remember that these are only crimes that have reported........many of us, me included have been victims of crime, but know the system, and cant be arsed to report to the police. On balance, a chat to the tarriff collecting agency should show reported crimes, also ask them their strategy for crime reduction, if there isnt one in place, steer clear of that mooring facility. Hope this helps.




thanks for the input everyone i originally thought that a pretty bankside mooring would encourage the missus to enjoy the boat more often (no more straining and foul language when launching) but the downside is growing daily.like can you refueleasily afloat in xchurch



How much is the mooring in Tuckton and xchurch? I have a mooring in Muddiford Harbour but when the wind kicks up there it can become dodgy as not everyone fixes there chains properly so im wary of leaving my boat there after what happened last time.. I would love a Tuckton or Xchurch mooring? Anyone got any prices and tel numbers?






I did get some prices in the past. I think there are some on the web and if i recall the Tuckton ones are owned by BWH Water Authority.

I will see if I can track down the URL.




WHilst I am sure they are Bournemouth and West Hants owned now, I don't seem to be able to find details on the web.


You could try asking overdraft ( on this forum )

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest_Paul J_Fisherman



The phone number is 01202 444646


Paul J

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