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July Species and Specimen Comp


This Competition is open to any junior 16 or under fishing on a Club members boat.

If not as a family member, the entry fee for both Competitions is £2.00 to include an entry pack.

The junior must be accompanied by an appropriate adult.

Fish at anytime in July and the skipper posting catches, weights, and photographs.


August 20th Specimen Competition 


This Competition will run for 6hrs that day.

There will be a bbq and prize giving afterwards for both Competitions.

More information will be posted before both.


So the juniors comp. How many days can you fish? Is it 8 hours in one day, or can you fish 2 consecutive days for 12 hours. Or all week non stop??
It's very vague, and doesn't seem fair.

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No need to be sorry but It does state more info nearer the time so maybe some patience needed

Understood Martin. However, if you want to drum up participants then the info needs to be released sooner rather than later. People have busy lives and weekends in the summer need booking in advance, well at least they do in my house! My wife's already looking into 2024.

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Hi Neil,


Sorry about the confusion.


The July Competition for Juniors is as per adults throughout 2023. 

You can fish as and when you want, and the skipper will send catch reports to the forum.

I hope this explains things better.



Hi Neil,
Sorry about the confusion.
The July Competition for Juniors is as per adults throughout 2023. 
You can fish as and when you want, and the skipper will send catch reports to the forum.
I hope this explains things better.

I'm sorry again Jerry, but that's not a very fair system. I know it's just a bit of fun, but if individuals can only fish on one particular day because of other life commitments (say when maybe the tide is not great etc) and the others can pick and choose then how can that be fair?
It'll put people off not encourage.
Just my opinion.

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5 hours ago, Tarlach. said:

I'm sorry again Jerry, but that's not a very fair system. I know it's just a bit of fun, but if individuals can only fish on one particular day because of other life commitments (say when maybe the tide is not great etc) and the others can pick and choose then how can that be fair?
It'll put people off not encourage.
Just my opinion.

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May be the word competition is the problem, we are trying to encourage juniors, have more take part and reward and recognise good fishing and catches. We have seen a significant drop off in numbers, some of that is juniors passing on into seniors within our group of members. Finding different interests, some have gone on to fish for England, we are trying to find some replacements.

Our first goal is to see some participant numbers show an interest, we can always refine details as interest grows, that's my individual thoughts.

May be the word competition is the problem, we are trying to encourage juniors, have more take part and reward and recognise good fishing and catches. We have seen a significant drop off in numbers, some of that is juniors passing on into seniors within our group of members. Finding different interests, some have gone on to fish for England, we are trying to find some replacements.
Our first goal is to see some participant numbers show an interest, we can always refine details as interest grows, that's my individual thoughts.

Then maybe you should just have a couple of Juniors open days instead.
I get that you are trying to promote juniors to join and have fun, I fully support that Mal because without a next generation, there will be no club!
But on the flip side, kids enjoy competition. And (imho) an open month isn't competition, they all need to go out of port on the same day and return at the same time!
Anyway, that's enough from me!

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