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Sunday 7am Lymignton met up with Paul and Gordon with Neo who kindly took us out to a couple of marks east of the harbour - I don't remember the names......


We struggled with weed in the Solent in the morning and moved closer to shore, where Paul took a 3 1/2lb bass on what looked like a toy fishing rod! Moved along to try and find somewhere less weedy, and ended up heading back past Lymington and mackereling on the way to the other side of the island, but left Neo to carry on round there as following our 4am start we were past the best and the water was a bit choppy for the first voyage (though rumour has it it was flat calm round the other side.)


All in all some small bream, a small doggy and a few mackerel (not a blank though).


Great to test Ultimate Chaos out on a bit of chop, the 'slap' could definitely be a problem in big seas but if you hang on it's bearable! Found out the pilchard that fitted the boat restricted how far the throttle could be pushed forward. Once I got round this it went pretty well.


Thanks very much to Paul and Gordon for taking the trouble, I like to think that one day when I'm a bit more experienced I can do the same for someone.....


Also nice to meet the Blue Warrior gang in Lymington at the end of the day and saw those 2 'moderate size' bass.....well I'll be opening the champagne when I get one like that on board.


Thank you PBSBAC.






Shame we didn't get into some Smoothies. That is the first time I have never caught one from that mark and the weed was horrendous wasn't it !.


The "toy" rod you refer to is the Fladen Solid-C rod (


Glad to hear the maiden voyage went well, Will. wink.gifbiggrin.gif


Can be a bit daunting in the Solent at times, so you did well.


Less tricky waters in Poole Bay and Christchuch Ledge.





oops sorry about the 'toy rod' jibe, want I meant was....well, you know what I meant! unsure.gif it seemed to go well!


Tom and I have decided next trip is to be Christchurch, so it'd be great to have your company again.




well done on your maiden voyage Will.and congrats on even a modest catch,"some fish",beats the hell out of "no fish..."jack.


Paul.. I have a spanish 7' rod,rated on the shaft as 3-30 lb. it too looks like a toy rod,as does the 6'. 5-50lb one from the same company. they look so fragile that to be honest I havent dared to try them for anything larger than flounder etc. as they are ideal proportions for estuary use in my 12' Zodiac. In view of your use of a "toy" rod, do you think I dare give one a serious try ?..jack




I don't know about your rod but the one I have is the new ones from Fladen and they are certainly not toys ( although I must admit it would look like a toy rod from a distance ). The rod is rated 10-20 lb but I wouldnt fancy catchinganything heavier than say 5lb on it.

I like the look of the slightly heavier rated one though, so next purchase could be one of those I think.



I have a #5 weight fly rod made for catching half pound river trout that I use for salmon. The experience is almost literally heart stopping (biggest so far on it is 13lb). Perhaps I should get that out after the bass? Does anyone in the club fly fish for bass?


There has been many talk about flying for bass, but I don't think anyone been out yet (or they had been very quiet about it).

People fly fish for all sorts, mullet, pollock, .......


Will - use it for mackerel and have loads of fun when they are around adn high in the water (early/late in the day); absolutely perfect. Make sure you wash it off really well afterwards and that includes removing all the line from the reel if you want it to last.


Paul - this weekend look to hook up a decent tope in the neap tides on that 'toy', nothing heavier! I had a couple over 20 on my 12lb class Normark and it was the most fun I have had on the boat this year! Good drag and carefull knots - no problem.

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