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I have had a major 'senior moment' sad.gifmad.gif


I want an inshore flare pack.


I made a note of the name and contact number of the gentleman member wot sells them at a very attractive price, and because it was written down promptly forgot the details.


Any road up, as the boat is now ready for the sea I want the flares smile.gif


Can I find my note to myself? sad.gifmad.gif


Can I remember the chaps name? sad.gifmad.gif


Am I an old phart blink.gif


PLEASE who ever you are, LET ME KNOW weep.gif


Mad Mike



Hi Mike and Duncan


Go to the front page of our web page and click on J-Marine who is one of our sponsors.


It is the one with the boat/ship in a circle.


The rest of their web site is via a menu.


Hope it helps


Don't forget to say you are from the club wink.gif





thanks - excellent offshore pack and price; coastal seems closer to market (walk into Piplers and get off shelf) cost when postage taken into account.

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