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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Had a great day out on QT with Peter, just the two of us on that big boat was pure luxury.


Went west and stopped just east of St Albans, things were very quiet.

Next stop was a deep hole just west of St Albans, where we found some Tope in Slack water.

Peter was first in with a fish about 15lbs and then i got my first decent one which went 31lb- doubled my PB, i was chuffed biggrin.gif

I got two more smaller fish on the trot and Peter got another before we headed off.


Went hunting round a couple of other spots on the way home but nothing doing but doggies.

Brilliant day out in the sun, great boat, great company and a few fish who could ask for more- thanks Peter


Species wise only dogs, Tope and Mackerel


Paul J



Nice one Paul


I wish we had stuck with the plan to follow you west, we went to a small wreck and only had one eel so moved off a bit more for the first flood not even a dog


Lovely day to be afloat though




Nice one Paul - that is one impressive tope and beats my PB 5 lb one !


All I need now is some tope marks within steaming distance of Christchurch. Anybody help ?




Now now............ rolleyes.gif


Notice I didn't ask how many mackerel PaulJ had on his hook this time........I believe it is the right thing for crew to use large smelly baits - preferably that they bring themselves too!

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