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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It was James' turn to skipper today, so at 7am we slipped away from Wick on what promised to be a lovely day.


Mullet were hard to find with James catching just 2 in an hour and a half and me just a Golden Grey.


Out on the ledge, Bream, Mackerel, Wrasse, Pollock, Dogs, Pout, Huss and Bass all showed so a respectable 8 species each by the end at 2.30pm.


We then wizzed over to the IOW for a spot of bassing. A tank full of fresh live joeys were soon feathered up and away we went.


1st drift and BANG, I hook up - a nice fish of about 3lb. A few drifts later another of about 2-3lb then a few quiet drifts.


We were then getting short of joeys, so I stuck a big fella on - 'Big Bait - Big Fish' tactics I thought - and it worked! After a savage bite I thought I had hooked the deck, but when it started pulling back I knew a decent fish was hooked - a great 10 minute fight saw a huge bass lying alongside the boat. Alas once netted it proved to be a massive frames fish, capable of double figures, but very lean - weighed on a choppy sea it went between 5-6lb.


James struggled on the bass, and on hindsight the only thing we could think of as to why was the fact I was using Flourocarbon hooklink. I had 2 bass last week of the Needles to James none, I had 4 bass of Portland to the crews none and 3 today - the ONLY factor different was the Vanish hooklink - food for thought??


Quite enjoying the bassing this year, heres to more to come!


Adam, many of the fluerocarbon lines have differing "invisibility", as some are only a certain percentage fluero. I believe there are only a couple of truly 100% fleuro lines available. That said, I have changed over to fleuro lines, about eight months ago, and have seen a remarkable increase in my carch rate, and general fishing ability. That said, there is still room for drastic improvement!!!! <gg>




Great to have you out with us Adam and thanks for showing us the ropes again. I will send you some photos later if the camera doesn't play up.


Glad you managed to work out why you were catching and we were not!! Fluorocarbon it is!!!


The bass you left in the boat were cooked for us by the local pub at lunch - cooked whole with pepper butter - just beautiful - thanks


Look forward to fishing with you again soon. I'll bring some fluorcarbon but I am sure you will still catch much more than us!




I agree with you on the Flourocarbon especially if it''s hard going with shy bites.

What test were you using?


You do seem to have the touch with the Bass recently, i don't think it's all down to the line your recent catches must have got you tuned in.


Paul J


Munter, I have been using the Vanish fleuro, and have found no probs with knot strength, landing fair sized smoothies out east, and a half decent thornback in tide, so my answer there is no. I think that the teklon fluero is a better line, but havent tested it that much yet. It may be prudent to start a fleuro thread and see other forum members findings.




I only use it for Bassing, the rest of the time normal mono suffices as trace line, and my leaders are just cheap 2.99 clear 30lb mono.


It was 17lb Berkeley Vanish which I was using - great line, fantastic knot strength and reasonable too.



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