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Seeing as I don't know any one and I'm out of area, I thought I'd do it meself!!

Doing it yourself can lead to blindness! sad.gif


However there is no need to constantly tell yourself that you 'realy do love you' afterwards. RESULT!! biggrin.gif




Any way welcome Sheddy.


Where are you from? Boat or not? Do you crew? 'Cos you'll be quite populart if you do.


Mad Mike

Seeing as I don't know any one and I'm out of area, I thought I'd do it meself!!

Doing it yourself can lead to blindness! sad.gif


However there is no need to constantly tell yourself that you 'realy do love you' afterwards. RESULT!! biggrin.gif




Any way welcome Sheddy.


Where are you from? Boat or not? Do you crew? 'Cos you'll be quite populart if you do.


Mad Mike

I'm from deepest, darkest essex m8 ... Southend on Sea to be exact. i got me a boat, un-named as yet but the wife reckons I should call it "PUG" 'cos its pug ugly. Is a Seahog Warrior. Its got a 30 ev'ude on the back with a 4 mariner for auxillary. I keep it at Mersea Island in Northish Essex.


i've only just started out on this boat fishing malarky so its a case of get whatever info I can! The furthest I've gone out so far is around 8 miles, but ended up coming back in'cos I couldn't find me no fish! I ended up fishing the tail end of a sewage pipe about 400yds offshore!


One thing I have learned ... buying a boat is like digging a hole in the sea and throwing a bag of money in!! Oh yeah.... and crew are hard to find on a regular basis, they don't share the enthusiasm! The boats a b****r to launch on my own, retrieval is even harder but it can be done, as long as the sea is flat!


Quote......... Is a Seahog Warrior.


Ah, I have a Seahog Samurai.


Recovery gets easyer with practice, also docking arms help enormously so if yo are going to be single handed for the majority of the time they are well worth buying/making.


Mad Mike


Gallo Bro's for that Zinfandel or Grenach? rolleyes.gif



Docking arms....... Fitted at the back of the trailer one on each side they form a U shaped cradle that holds the boat in line to the center of the trailer. I usualy make my own out of mild steel 1"box cut and welded to make the angle (bend). I have used proper brackets 'wot I have made' to fix them to the trailer and also car exhaust clamps. The upright bits I cover with that firm foam insulation tubing they sell in DIY stores for pipework. Mild steel is perfectly OK, it will rust, but they last about 4 or 5 years and they are so cheap to make I don't worry.


Mad Mike


Hi Dave


Welcome to the club.


I had a Seahog Hunter before I bought my Warrior.


A fine boat it was too.


Down side was being out in a F5 in the East Solent trying to get back to Hayling Island at 5kts due to the size of the swells! sick.gif


Hunters do not like going fast in such conditions or should I say my back and legs do not like going fast in such conditions.


I did feel perfectly safe in her however.


Hope you enjoy her and get some good fish aboard before too long.





Sound like a scheme m8. I've got the trailer going in to my local metal-sticker-togetherist later this weekto have an extension made for the tow-hitch (to put the boat further away from the vehicle, saves dunking it!) So I'll have him knock one of them docking arm jobbys up too. When its done, I'll take a piccy of the mods and show ya!



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