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Martin, I've noticed that since coming on to this forum, I have been bombarded with spam mails...maybe just other users that have no security on their comps?



A very fine spam stopper is Spamjab. http://www.spamjab.com/


I have used it for 2 years and it has never failed. In its time it has stopped literally thousands of spam mails.


Mad Mike


You know when you receive a funny email and you forward it to your friends? This email might have been round the block a few times and contains 10's if not 100's of email addresses, that what gets you spams.




You shouldn't get spam from being on this forum. Reason is because people's e-mail address is not divulged ( unless you are an admin ). To get Spam the senders have to get hold of your e-mail address.


Tip - DO NOT try to unsubscribe from the spam list - all this does is tell them they have a valid e-mail address and they will bombard you with more spam.






Strange Rich, I hardly receive any spam even though my address is available to the world via our front page. I do however have another email address registered that I was going to use but havent told anyone about or indeed used yet and that receives shed loads of spam... how?


Are you sure you are only visiting fishing sites? some music sites are renowned for there dodgy goings on as are some of the fruitier sites laugh.gif




Rich if your spam are any of the following,


"How to get an extra...."

"Have problems satisfying...."

"A Havard degree......"

"Young housewiv......."


You've been a naughty boy laugh.gif


I understand that there are things called 'trackers' and other things called 'information miners' that some web sites implant in your computer. These things report back to their parent sites telling them what sort of activities you follow on your PC. They also report back your e mail address and in some cases clone it to make it appear that you are the sender of spam emails. This info' is then used to spam you.


All of this can be stopped by using a free download ...........




This excellent tool allows you to check whether you have any info' miners in your system and extract them. I can always tell when one of the younger members of the family have been surfing as the number of miners is about 10, Vs me with about 2 a day. The sites that have them are NOT all naughty ones. F'rinstace a lot of the music sites have them, and a lot (most) .com American sites seem to as well.


Mad Mike

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