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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Gordon and I headed out last night - the only free night this week for both of us. The wind was forecast as 3-4 SW and they had got it right. The plan was over to the island for bass until dark and then anchor the ledge for a conger or three.


BW behaved impecablly over to the IOW. Despite the strong winds kicking up a swell and a fair chop she sat at 18-knots all the way and never slammed once. The wind off the staboard bow helped as it was a different story when we came back!


Mackerel were back and easy to find, so we headed back to the mark. The wind made drifting hard, pushing us across the reef and across the weakish tide. With only 2 drifts left I snagged a decent fish and after a cracking deep powerful fight a nice 6lb 14oz bass was netted. Despite my best attempts at returing her, she didnt want to know, so begrudgingly I kept her. Gordon, alas struggled again - always another day!


After a slow bumpy ride into the teeth of the wind to the ledge, we anchored up and prepared the conger gear. A bite straight away to Gordons rod make thinsg look up, but the sneaky begger had the bait off! That was it until 11pm when I had a take, but struck too early, but Gordon didnt and hooked into a lovel 30lb eel - a very thin, but very long fish - about 6'....still a reasonable trip and a first at night for Gordon.


An uneventful run back home and in bed by 12.30!


ok first of all i have to say i think dad is slowly coming around to letting me take out gw he let me bring her into pyc on my own with nohelp and it all went very smoothly.


headed out of poole for a couple of hours last night to try for bass, tope anything to put a bend in the rod.


headed to the banks using feathers to try and catch a bass which had worked for humphrey earlier in the day but no luck.


put the pick in hope of a tope or conger had so many mackeral the bucket was over flowing. had plenty of dogs and half dozen pack tope good fun even if small.


just as we were packing up to come home my rod went mental and before i new it my rod was bent over double and something on the over end wasnt very happy dad was convinced it was an eel and i dont think it was very small because everytime i got it away from the bottom it took all the line off again it must have been pretty big and this was on a 30lb rod . ohmy.gif


just as i brought in some line ping the hook comes out GUTTED weep.gifweep.gif


still a nice night back in bed by 1am



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