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Dave unsure.gif NO NEED TO SHOUT biggrin.gif You'll wake up some of the older members laugh.gif


Plenty of help here, but first tell us what size boat/engine you've got, and second what sort of tackle.


It'll be a bit daft one of us goin' on about a great ray spot 6 miles out in 150 ft of water if your in a 14ft dinghy with a 4hp Seagull.


Conversly if your in a super dooper Arvor with all the nobs on and a wet bar then bvgger the fishing and we'll all come for a jolly smile.gif


Tackle wise for general fishing around the harbour and in the bay a carp outfit would be an ideal start. Light spinning gear perch/pike will also be fine.


Terminal tackle will depend on where you go so get back to us with a bit of info and I am sure you will get loads of advice and some of it might even be worth taking. laugh.gif


Mad Mike



I have a microplus 501 16ft with a 40hp marina + 4hp marina,tackle boat rods with matching reels 30lb line plus light spining rods.Navman gps garman 250 fish finder,vhf dsc radio.

we have been out on the outer patch and caught bream,mackerel.Would like some info on catching bass.

I have a microplus 501 16ft with a 40hp marina + 4hp marina,tackle boat rods with matching reels 30lb line plus light spining rods.Navman gps garman 250 fish finder,vhf dsc radio.

we have been out on the outer patch and caught bream,mackerel.Would like some info on catching bass.

For bass advice Adam is the one to talk to. But to target them specificaly you have to be pretty dedicated, live sandeels, bait tanks and all that. Best results are drifting over certain marks with a live sandeel swimming on a very long lightly weighted trace. Harbour entrance, tide rips in the harbour, very near the training bank etc. Then there are all the marks over Christcurch way.


Mad Mike


Mikey, the boys have been drifting with any small fish of late, even wrasse have taken good bass. So long as its a sturdy bait, that gives action when a predator approaches, a take will usually ensue. Joeys, wrasse, poor cod, scad have all taken good bass in the harbour.


Like you said, its the perseverence!!




Rich.Good useful reply as usual from you. But whats the score with BASS from the harbour ? I thought you couldn't do it !! but on Sunday last there were 2 man commercial boatmen in {I assume a Poole canoe } as well as a couple of charter boats all obviously targetting the bass. am I missing something here ?...jack dry.gif

Rich.Good useful reply as usual from you. But whats the score with BASS from the harbour ? I thought you couldn't do it !! but on Sunday last there were 2 man commercial boatmen in {I assume a Poole canoe } as well as a couple of charter boats all obviously targetting the bass. am I missing something here ?...jack dry.gif

I saw them too and had the same reaction ? ohmy.gif ?????


Mad Mike


Thanks Martin. I had seen this item and indeed that was what I based my assumption about Bassing on. But what is the use of patrols " having a chat" with those commercials etc. who are doing it ? as they obviously just carry on when they've gone away, if this is the extent of thier activities everyone may as well just get on with it ! Has anyone EVER been prosecuted or dealt with in Poole under this legislation ?...When on holiday in north wales a few years back ,I was stopped and my boat examined whilst fishing in the Mawdoch estuary.And warned in no uncertain terms what would become of me and my boat and fishing gear ,if found to be targetting Bass,never mind being in possession of one !...If there is'nt conservation in our own back yard,what hope on an international scale ?.............

OOOh..dont I go on !!!. dry.gif ..jack




Where in the harbour were they fishing? if it was roughly south of the castle then they are breaking no byelaws as you are allowed to target bass in this area. Read "animals" post under the link I posted earlier and it gives you the exact areas of the nursery area it should be correct he is a fisheries officer.



The usual area seems to be toward the fuel barge from the castle..jack

The area past Brownsea lagoon towards the Castle (Fast flowing over sand with deep troughs and shallow rapids.


Edge od Wills channel off from Pottery pier feeding the eels out on fine lines into the current 50 yds uptide of the channel edge.


Ditto technique moored up ON the training bank in a Poole Canoe.


Through the Haven


Along the Hook sands.


And I know enough to know bass drift lining when I see it smile.gif


Mad Mike


Wills Cut is within the nursery area though none of the legitimate commercial bass fishermen would be in this area. They only fish the Haven area and out side the harbour anywhere from St Albans to the Isle of Wight.

Wills cut runs from the middle ship channel from some where around buoy 60 across to brownsea. The channel is named after the late Fred Wills who was one of the first passenger boat owners. He used to regularly take this route across to Pottery Pier. I don't think it's actually much deeper than the water either side of it.


Blue boat drives home the point.........


I don't think it's actually much deeper than the water either side of it.


Your damn right it isn't biggrin.gif


Many years ago a chum of mine and I fished late through an ebb and were sure I could use Wills cut to get home. smile.gif


We were wrong mad.gif


It was about 6" deeper and infact was formed by a series of long shallow 'lakes' with dry mud in between at dead low.


Well in those days I smoked and so did John my mate. We discovered we had ciggies but my lighter ran out of gas and John had only 2 good matches (He was one of those annoying gits that put dead matches back in the box! sad.gif ) So there we were waiting for the water to come back (2 hours time), ciggies and after 30 min' no light..................


Mans inventiveness in times of emergancy knows no bounds.... blink.gif


Driven by craving we eventualy came up with the (oversized) pocket O/B cigaret lighter ???? ph34r.gif


Tearing a strip of cloth from ones shirt tail, you dip it in the O/B fuel tank, remove a plug from the O/B and with one holding the plug with another bit of shirt, the other pulls the starter cord to get a spark at the plug. The second the petrol soaked rag ignites the other quickly drags a fag alight from the others now blazing hand biggrin.gif


By golly we were real men in those days laugh.gif


Mad Mike

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