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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Travelled out of Poole Harbour into the bay for the first time with son, his friend and friend's father.


Looking for a mark AlunJ had shown me which of course we could not find without GPS.


However cast in hope and had some early luck on rag and a simple ledger. Catching some small bream too small for the pan and a mackerel that was good on toast on Sunday afternoon. This was followed by two bass which we returned being under 15".


Moved around then using the sounder which Pinafore has as a poormans 'fishfinder'. Although it shows some bottom variation it's a poor substitute for the real thing so memo to self, 'Which is the best and also the cheapest combined GPS fishfinder?'


Carried on with the boys having the fun that a first real trip brings and helped by them catching two small sharks (dogfish?) and a gurnard.


Then picked up two larger bass that had gulped the barbed hooks too deep to recover with long nosed forceps, now thinking about barbless hooks.

Some more bream with a mackerel for luck and we returned after 7 hours at sea.


Son's view summed up by:


"Please Dad can we stay longer it's so much fun!"


Meanwhile, despite heavy overcast conditions, got a bald head red so there's a lesson!


Hi Pinafore


Good to hear you had a succesful and safe first trip.


If mackeral grew bigger imagine what sport they would be, or try going super light for them biggrin.gif


If you are looking at fish finders or GPS check out my web site on what others think about there equipment at Fishing Boats it may help.





Hi Pinafore


Nice report, glad you and the boys caught some fish, nothing like a mackerel or two to keep kids interested.


Reference sounder/plotter a lot depends on your budget. The southampton boat show is next month, decide what you want before you go and you may just be able to do a deal and nab a bargain


Barbless hooks? use your pliers to flatten the barbs on your hooks and they become barbless




Thanks for tips all.


Hoping to get out again on Saturday with the same winning combination of fathers and sons providing the weather follows the forecast and winds stay below the 10mph that a cathedral hull seems to tolerate!





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