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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Looking to head out from Christchurch / in Christchurch harbour on Sunday ( later start as have party to go to Sat evening ) or on Monday ( bank holiday ).


However, have no crew. Anyone interested ?


Alternatively could be persuaded to go out of Lymington on Sun all day to afternoon / evening and try for stingers / smoothies - I am banking on the weed being less of a problem as the tides are small but will this mean the fishing will be no good ?

( only one way to find out I guess ! )





I was thinking more Sunday afternoon/evening ( gives me time to recover from Sat evening ) but have to check tides yet. ( Weather forecast is good at the moment ).


Downside is it is bank holday weekend and bound to be busy + bound to have to pay weep.gif so could be persuaded to go for the early start and then spend rest of Sunday recovering smile.gif



chris, after the stories of when i lent u my boat last week, tuition is the last thing i want from u, hehe


the only day i can make now is bank hols mon as im in london for a family do on sunday, but let me know if u want to borrow the boat if u want to go out sunday, just message in here 4 crew. Just don't get lost again!!!! laugh.giflaugh.gif


Failing that, i can defo go mon morning, either west out of lymo to try 4 a stinger, or if we can get some live eels, try drifting hurst for a bass.


P.S ive drilled the holes on Gnasher for the 4 new rod holders, if your around 2moz, can you dump a few nuts and bolts in the garage from the tool box so i can fix the holders on proper.



Are the rod holders the flush mounted type with the nice rubber caps?


A colleague told me that there was an incident in Poole with those the other day. A sporty fishing boat was lent to a land lubber to have some fun in. He took out the rubber bung of the rod holder and promply added many gallons of petrol.


Alarmed when he disovered it bubbling up from under the decks and every where else, help was called. They got the crane onto it so as to remove it from the water and away from other boats. Enter the auto bilge which promptly pumped most of the fuel into the marina. Luckily there where no other bright sparks about.


John C


no need to of gone to bmth to check out the fireworks, watch your this blokes boat, nah, not the flush sort, nine r similer to the danica ones that have either side mounts or the base screwed straight down. Berkley range

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