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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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After being so windy all week - I had written off a trip this weekend, but to my surprise on Friday eve the forecast looked up at little, and had dropped to a SW2/3 on Sat.


We had a slightly later start and Maverick and BW slipped away from Wick at about 7.30am - on leaving the run the sea was pretty smooth with a slight residual swell from the weeks strong winds - 20 mins and we were at the IOW. Mackeral were hard to find at first but with half a dozen in the tank we fished the last 1/2 hour of the ebb on the bridge. The tide was a little too slow though under 1.5 knots which seems to be the magic number and we had almost given up when I snagged a decent fish at only 0.9 knots! As has been the case so often this year, the first fish has been the best of the day and today was no exception - a cracking far 7lber came to the net. The last drift here also produced a fish - felt like a real heavyweight, but after about 30 seconds of struggling to gain any line the hook pulled - the hook has spun into the bait, giving me a poor hookhold - felt like a real biggy as well - but dont they always!! laugh.gif


We then headed offshore to some banks - mackerel were a little more plentiful and were a bass anglers dream - every mackerel we had was under 6" - perfect bait size. The banks failed to produce for BW at anchor hoping for a tope or a blonde - but Maverick faired a little better taking a few of each. The tide then began to run slowly again so it was another move and after 30 mins we arrived at a previously unfished set of banks (for me) they looked fishy from the outset - and proved right - Dean and I taking a fish on the first 3 drifts! This is how it conitinued for the next few hours - either a fish, a take or a lost fish most drifts between the two boats, the wind was a mere breath and the sun shone down from blue skies! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


A long run back home - but well worth it! Thanks for the company Martin and Dean - will have to do it again shortly!




Sounds like some new marks that need more serious investigation. ph34r.gif


I stayed at home too, Bill. weep.gif


Took the opportunity to tidy up the wiring looms on Splash-Out and overcome the problem of some equipment turning off when the transmit is pressed on the VHF. Turned out to be a corrorded connection causing a large voltage drop when the VHF is transmitting on high power (25W).







I think its time that i stopped fishing at anchor and have a go at my 1st bass, well done adam and the rest of you lot on a right result, even in a small tide,


I was out this morn, at muddiford at 5am and drank coffee until the sea mist lifted and the sun just started to lift, a beautiful morning to say the least,

Headed over to southbourne rough, loads of maccy, but the plan was to tie to a pot bouy and bottom fish for a big ray.


Couldnt tie up as the boats were out lifting the bouys and empying the pots, so fished at anchor.


Dog after poxy dog, we even caught a dogfish that had two stainless size 6/0s in its gob from a previous capture, i bet he was glad he was caught again as who knows how long the metalwork has been in its mouth for, all safley removed.


My dad then lost a decent fish, probabbly a good ray that took a while to lift off the bottom, then just hung in the tide using its weight against the flow, sadley the hook slipped. 10 mins later, and he gets a repeat, and drops another.


I then landed my 1st cuttlefish, reeling in a large maccy bait, i watched it chase it all the way to the surface, and i spent another 10 mins dapping the maccy on the surface until it was well and truely sucking on it before bringing it to the net, boy do they spit some ink, i wont try and get one again!!!


A few bream on small rag baits, before a whole maccy gets chomped and the light rod hoops over and line spins off the drag, a short but spirited fight and i say hello to mr Tope.


Not a bad day, no ray though. It seems the only bait the doggies struggle to take is 3/4 of a jumbo or even a whole one, anything smaller and it dosn't last more than 2 mins in the water without getting chomped, squid is even worse. Any ideas to temp something different without using a huge bait that needs a couple of 8/0s to hold it in place. Maybe have to just be patient!!

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