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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well, Pete and I arrived at Wick in time to launch and make it over the bar (just - only a minor scrape). We tried for some mackerel first off Hengitsbury but my private larder was empty. Do macky feed after dark? We then made a cautious way to Barton and got ourselves into position just off the beach. There were three other boats on station when we got there, all fishing from anchor. Is this normal or should we have been drifting?


Mission was accomplished but not in spectacular fashion. The night was calm and warm, a real pleasure to be out, with darkness adding an interesting bit of spice to the venture. We each caught a sole; not large ones but quite acceptable from a culinary point of view! I also claim a personal best smallest speciman for a thornback that I thought was a sole at first! also there were bream, scad and pout.


About 2.30ish, the wind got up from the east and everything seemed to go dead, at least where we were. At 4.30, we made a slightly nervous passage to xray, where the sea was decidedly lumpy, where we fished on till dawn. This added a few more pout and doggies to the list. A final stop at Hengitsbury for some fresh mackerel to take home for smoking and that was it. It seemed very strange to be pulling the boat out and going home, just as everybody else was arriving.


We will be repeating the exercise in the very near future to hone our skills, weather and tides permitting. How long are the sole here for?


Hope you all had a good day for the comp. I don't think your weather will be as good as ours was.


Glad you had a safe and enjoyable experiance Terry. You were right to anchor.


The sole are around for at least another month or so - the best months I feel. As we had a very early start this morning I lay awake at 3.00am listening to the wind growing - but assumed you would be home by then!


Next time maybe we will go congering - and we can buddy our two boats up?




Sounds good. Actually we didn't come in untill 06.30. When you come as far as we do, you have to make the most of it. The 2 hour drive home was a killer, though.


Hi Terry


Good to meet at the slip and to hear your trip details. biggrin.gif


Thanks for the macky mark, great to stock up again wink.gifwink.gif


Water was smooth when we got out but roughed up a bit as we ventured further out. sick.gif


Managed a nice sized pout and Bill had a nice Bass, first this year for him I think.


We moved off as it was very slow to X-Ray but found doggie city.


No rays or flatties to report in.


Came in early as the FPO's had arranged for a 10 pin bowling session.


Great fun laugh.gif even managed to get a strike! ohmy.gif






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