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Right then, I've got a Fladen maxximus 20-50 rod which I hope will be suitable for conger etc, but I'm sure you will tell me if you disagree. The question is, what reel to match with it for conger etc. I think I would like a lever drag as I've been most impressed with this feature on my BG7000NLG. Do Abu make a suitable one? Another that has been suggested is the Penn Senator 45GLS.


Any thoughts would be much appreciated.




What about a Shimarno TLD20?


I have not got one but heard lots of good things as does the Charter Special 2000 reels


Penn 320LD


Just seen in the mags Fox Sea Ocean Master reels, OM20 or 25 are the biggies check out the Weymouth Angling Centre adverts.







Hi Terry,


I think the 7000 BG NLD is well matched with that rod .............. and has plenty in the gears and long handle to cope with big weights.......... as I found with the rays last w.end ........... just up the line strength a bit !!




rather depends on what the etc means after conger in your question!


I think the answer probably lies in your choice of rod - ie the maximus 20-50 is a light sporting rod for the class with a lot of grunt down the blank - so I suspect you are looking for a reel that you can fish realistically across the line range as well but that has the guts to handle wrecking for conger and big rays (topical!).


Penn's 45 gls (It's not a senator they are star drag cage reels) is a light composite reel with guts and, as already sugested, would make a great match.


The 320LD isn't in the same league and the internalls are a little light.


TLD20 is proven, as are the CS's.


Other's have experience of the Abu's and have commented but much as the 7000 LD is a great reel I wouldn't have thought it really built for this work - I would put it with the Pen 975LD and whilst they will handle it they wern't built for it (if this makes sense?).


Okuma Titus Gold 4/0 is another possible.


If you are really just looking for a good match to the rod for general bottom fishing including cod, conger, tope and rays that could handle a big fish then all of these reels will do the job adequately. If you want to anchor a wreck for conger and play bully then the 45gls, larger TLD, Penn Formula 10kg, Abu 10000, and other big reels will be required.


Given the small size of the rods blank and reel fitting, plus weight, I would favour one of the smaller reels myself, and compromise on my ability to bully the fish with the reel - that's what the rods for anyway!


Just to clarify, I also have a fladen 20-40lb rod with which I use the Abu BG7000NLG. This is what I use for rays and will use for other open water species. The 20-50lb rod is for wrecking for the larger, rough boys of the fish world where a certain amount of initial power is needed to get things moving. Being a sporting rod, I am lothe to overpower it with a monstrous reel.


Thanx for all the advise so far. I am now working my way through the online catalogues decyphering the various codes and hyroglyphs and seeing what pictures they match! I'm easily confused.


Considering you have a 7000LD allready my recomendation would be a shimano TLD 20


I have had mine for years and its as good as ever, nice tough reel with a great drag system.

Its fairly narrow which makes it easy to control the recovery of the line, Sam and Dan both use mine without problem,


Although Sam now seems to prefer the TLD15

[ but thats only slightly bigger than a 7000] my TLD 25 is bigger and is loaded with heavier braid but is usually left unused in preferance for the other two.


Charlie biggrin.gif


I use a TLD 20 and am well pleased with it. However, I suspect it will be a bit too heavy/big for the Fladen rod.


I am tempted to partner mine ( when I get off my backside and down to Lymington ) with a Charter Special as I have been well pleased with the one I use on the Abu Conolon.


I have a Charter Special 1000 and love it to pieces - a little 'rougher' than the silky Abus but tough as they come.


I have a TLD15 which I think is my best all round reel - drifting live eels for bass or fishing several squid on 2lb of lead it is equally happy - no level wind though, but as D says you learnt to live without.


Finally I have the TLD20 which is the latest aquisition. Yes it is a big reel, but solid, doesnt get used much - only deep water rays tope and conger - but when you need a tool for this job it is the nuts. In comparison I have the Titus TG30(50?) which is a lovelly looking reel and works well, but the alloy frame doesnt like salt water dispite washing and WD40 every trip - 6 months after having it I had to DRILL the retaining screws out to service it - not nice on a


As usual, you have all added to my knowledge pot and given me more to think about than my brain can probably handle in one bite. I think I need to decide how much use I'm going to get from the combination as I need the confidence to try these more distant marks. However, I think the ideal for me would be a slightly beefier rod than the fladen (Abu conolon?) and the TLD20 which I have found for about


I would echo comments re the TLD's......truly superb reels for the money, if it helps, since geting hold of of two TLD fives, and the ABU 7000BG narrow spooled version, my Shimano charter speacial has not been off the reel shelf in the garage. Its loaded with 30lb braid topped with 60lb leader, and recently serviced, if you wish to have a lend for a few months, to see how you get on before spalshing out, you're more than welcome. I belive my numbers are on the members list, or just PM me.


Tight lines.... Rich


I used the Penn International 30s 2 speed on my recent Fecamp trip, matched to a Penn international 24kg rod. I thoroughlt recommend it, I haven't lose one fish in the trip while people around me had their lines snapped, swivel parted, knots broken,.......


How does a swivel parting / line snapping / knot breaking have anthing to do with the reel in use ?


I had a line snap twice in succession when dropping mackeral feathers ( duff braid ),

Never had a knot break ( apart from when stuck on the bottom and deliberatley pulling the line free with a piece of wood. )

Swivel parting, surely is a function of the swivel as opposed to the reel in use.


I would suggest the people around you had problems due to incorrectly set clutches as opposed to using inferior reels.


Paul - the reel acn definitely contribute to this things but I agree it's not the fundamental cause.

The reel range Kam was using had probably the best (smoth/consistent/robust) drags in the world for many years and, although there are now some better, they all come at a really hefty price

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