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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Every one seems different to me.


With FPO away in Spain for the week......... I was looking forwad to to total fishing action all w.end.


Windy forecast sent my spirits dipping but still went and dug a bucketful of rag on fri. after work.............. and , if nothing else , try another method of long - term keeping.


First surprise.......... an invite to go salmon fishing on sat..... rain in the river raising prospects made a drive to Wales an exciting prospect.......... and BINGO, a pb salmon [ atlantic variety !] albeit under 8 lbs............ thanks again Terry.


Today.......... wind still blowing........ but at least it's gone round a bit; stll a late start after packing younger ones off to uni.............. so fishing a falling tide [not my favourite]. First stop.... Ledge drop-off , high water slack.......... took a while to get the bream feeding........ but got 6 and a bass before doggies took over [ wind stiff but off-shore]


Next ventured out to X-ray area, to fish the ebb [ any whiting yet ?? in my mind ]. Much bumpy.....er .......... bad call ............ tripped anchor and tried slowed drift.............. dog dog dog and more........ that spot is a nursery zone for puppies.


Back to Ledge edge................... where tide is running , swiftly South in 15m. of water [ last of ebb / first of flood ???] but soon into BASS ACTION........ 5 fish about an hour of action.... as the sun went down and the wind dropped, twas MAGIC !! All five 2 1/2 - 3 lb. size on mackerel slices on light tackle. Then the pout arrived........... so I sped home on flat sea [ and warm !!... over 15 C].


If work isn't too exhausting tomorrow........... and forecast is accurate........ a sole session could be on to use up the worms [ keeping really well] [ weed / water / 'fridge]. Anyone like to join me 6 - 12 Mon. eve. ??




and an addendum..........


an oddity............ one of the good bites I pulled up wasn't a bass or a doggie....



,,,,,,, but a COD .........!!!!........ ling !!



Only 3 or 4 lbs. but baddly scarred ; a big , fist-sized gash on its side and marks on the other; thin but feisty........ had to put it back [ and it zoomed off!].


Hope it recovers and grows ........ but has already allowed me to equal my cod catch score from last year !!






Planning on a night trip to Barton on Tuesday PM - let me know if you are interested in going out on Tuesday or how you get on on Monday.






Well done Alun.Andy and I were on and around the ledge all day Sun. with little success.We only had Squid bait,could'nt contact any Mackerell, Had a 2 lb bass on a rapalla,cast on an uptider used as a spinning rod,otherwise blank.Normal sort of day out for us,at least we didn't lose our anchor....Lumpy,was'nt it ?....jack


We were out from Brighton Sunday, forecast said F4 down to F3 in the afternoon. It was bloody dog-rough out there, party of 12, 2 down before we got to the mark, lost 3 more while we were fishing, after a few hours, wind picked up and it was umpleasant to say the least, called it a day at 2:00, especially nothing worthwhile were caught, very difficult condition.


When Andy and I had had enough on Sunday,we decided to run back ,"close in" to get a smoother ride. we were surprised to find at least 4 well populated charter boats,fishing perhaps 100 yds off the beaches at Highcliffe ,Boscombe and B'mouth. Were they genuinely "fishing" or just wasting time 'till it was time to go in ? I would not be surprised at all if thier clients were a bit queezy offshore,it was lumpy, but is this area still a good proposition for Plaice etc. I know it used to be years ago,but thought the trawlers had cleaned it out..... dry.gif jack

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