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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


Guest Guest_manana_Fisherman

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Guest Guest_manana_Fisherman

Are any of the members aware of the tagging program for tope and other shark species being carried out by southampton universitity. it was first undertaken by a husband and wife who got funding for exploring the effects of comercial fishing on catch and release by anglers. anyway therational is to hopefully help sustain species for sport fishing.


here is a reply i got from Ken Collins kjc@noc.soton.ac.uk, who can be contacted

Oh yes!

Alive and well, see website www.ukshark.co.uk , we cover (thinly) the whole UK, now having tagged over 5000 sharks since year 2000

If you want to participate send me your address, phone nos; then I will send you a tagging kit and instructions very quickly.


I hope this is of use to our members . all the best from glenn


Hi all biggrin.gif


Yes Rich is right I have been taking part in this program for years but the bigger fish get rarer every year. best by a member this summer is 40lb.


only fish over 10lb are deemed able to cope with the stress of tagging.


I have an admiration of sharks of all species and would not wish to damage one, but do not mind weighing measuring and tagging them for the program.


the process is quite simple and ken Collins is well keen to get interested people involved.


I did get several packs which were spread around some of the Members of the Club but I am not sure if many bothered to use them and send the record cards in.


When the pack tope are in attendance the fishing can sometimes be far to exciting to bother with the cards. although tagging and minimal info is better than nothing.


I can give you more info or you can contact Ken via the website


Charlie biggrin.gif


Adam its a bit late for this season but I suggest getting in touch with Ken early next year he will send you a kit.


The Canula [ spike to pierce the skin and insert the tag] needs attaching to a short stick


25 cards are included and instructions of which measuements to take.


I find the effort involved rewarding and wish I had found more fish to tag this year


When I first started I thought I would need at least 25 tags per season but you do not tend to, on the days when the fish are packing they tend to come to fast


And slower days are sometimes so slow a change of species is called for.


Charlie biggrin.gif


Charlie, having read a recent report on last years tagging programme, I was amazed at how nomadic these fish are, with plenty of our tagged fish showing up miles away, the farthest i think, was off the African coast.


Unfortunately, I dont get that many decent tope to warrant keeping a record card.....James or Adam should keep 'em though!!! wink.gif



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