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Guys, following a call from Charlie last week, I'm going to be doing a cook up next week........if I can grab my moulds back from Bob, and lend Shytalks again.....Ive bought a bullet lead mould the same as PJ's, so will be making bullets from 1oz up to 5 oz. I can also put a loop and swivel on 4oz balls, and 5oz balls, which make excellent drifting leads for comp rigs. For a little extra shinyness that generally attracts us anglers, I can powder coat with various colours. I'm happy to make leads gratis, if you provide lead, and coat for a 25p per lead.


Lead moulds I have personally, are bopedo 4oz, 8oz, 12oz, 1lb, 2lb,spherical ball weights of 1oz and 2oz and oval ball weights of 1oz up to 5oz. as stated, ovals can be made up with loops and swivels in 4oz and 5oz sizes. For loop and swivel please add about 12p......I think thats what Mike from UK Hooks charges me, SS for wire loops has been sourecd from within the club......TY that member. <g> I also have jighead moulds for small spherical heads, and a much bigger "cod" type lead head, again, I will have to charge for the jig hook, but I'm happy to powder coat these too. I have eyes to glue on these if required...these work well with Small and huge twin tails.


I believe peters moulds are 12oz, 1lb, 1 1/4lb and 1 1/2lb.


Colours I have for powder coating are yellow, Red, Blue, White, Black, sand sparkle, and Red sparkle. The yellows and reds have proved very good during species hunts on Colins boat Flamer 2 throughtout the year.


If you want a batch made up, please give me exact details of your requirement, postings by thursday next please, I'll cook after that date. Post here in the first instance, but PM me a fone number, so I can bell you when theyre done.


Cheers guys........Rich




I have a lump of lead that I have been iching to turn into weights. How about I drop it around one day next week and take a gander at your PC at the same time ?


I could do with a selection of bopedo weights ( 12 oz being the most used )





Guys, I have arranged to meet up with Bob on his return from his travels.....he really needs a PROPER job, so I can cook this weekend. Ive also found my jig head mould, so can do jigs from 1 oz up to 4 oz, hook sizes 2 1/0 and 2/0......I think!!


Paul, if you can get your lead to me at some stage, I'll do you a batch of your required size, also, your jigs Charlie.......what colour did u want the jig heads??? Do you want eyes on them?? ooooooooooo very proffeshneal!! I'll also do a bucket for yot mate Charlie, and your Ball weights T (Rocket Ron sends his reagrds BTW).


Charlie, may I arrange to meet you for the item you have languishing in the shed, as I'll need some more for the weights?? I'll try and get down this week, as Coddy's tree still needs dropped.


Any more takers for weights, jigs, or lead heads, post here and PM requiremnts along with contact numbers. Colours as above.




The Adjusta-mould, 2x 12oz bopedoes and the big bell mould are mine....


I need them back ASAP (this week?) as I am out of leads and the cod season is closing in.


Who has them / will jhave them and when can I get them?






I've got a 12 oz peedo mould if you're in a rush. Probably got 30 odd made up if you need a few just to keep going.




Adam, the moulds are currently in Bob F's car boot at the airport. He's dropping them at mine on thirsday evening, after ten, on his way through, Im cooking this weekend, if you want some leads sunday evening, drive over to mine and pick some up, ive about 60lb of lead here, so will make up as much as I have.


Noted your comment re adjusti mould etc. Pick it up if you come over. Best bet will be mon/tues next week. Give me a bell at home Adam.



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