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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Well two weeks off and I want to go fishing.

The boat (subject to weather) will be round in Saltern's from Monday 14th and I am free to go anyday except through the weekend as I have my daughter.


So if anyone (up to three others on anyday) fancies going anytime from the 15th to 17th and from 21st to 26th then please PM me or call 07780687795.


Up for anything, just want to get out on the boat so in the harbour through to wrecking and will even be happy with an evening session.

All comers are welcome, just a contribution to diesel and your share of the bait.


It would help if you know the area (as I don't), but flounder, bass, cod, conger, whatever tickles your fancy.



Hi Tom,


I'm away all next week, but might be able to take a day off on 23-26th.

I'll see how it goes. I've got plenty of marks we can try.




Bob F

Hi Bob


You would be more than welcome.

Stay in touch about it and let's see what the weather does.

It would have to be very nasty not to go out in the harbour as I have a nice warm wheelhouse, but I will be guided by you and any other crew who fancy a bash.




Hi Tom



I need to take some time off over the next couple of weeks and if the weather breaks again I'd be glad to tag along. Week commencing the 21st the tides are quite small, perhaps you fancy a go at hauling up a few congers off a wreck?










Perhaps Charlie could let us have one of his "special marks" cool.gifph34r.gif

Hi Tom



I need to take some time off over the next couple of weeks and if the weather breaks again I'd be glad to tag along. Week commencing the 21st the tides are quite small, perhaps you fancy a go at hauling up a few congers off a wreck?










Perhaps Charlie could let us have one of his "special marks" cool.gifph34r.gif

Hi Gordon


Sounds good to me!

I have a bit of a problem with my windlass at the moment so cannot go much over 100 foot, but if there is a good wreck in that sort of depth then absolutely!


However, anything goes so please call or PM to sort something out!




hi tom im charlies son and your soon find out from everyone i am one for trying to get trips out on nice boats.


i love wreck fishing and well into my congering so anytime your short of any crew on weekends i would love to come, i am still at school and only 15 but i am 6ft 3in so well capable of pulling in the anchor or any jobs i dont mind.


and i am sure i could get some good wrecks from dad with a few conger seen as he does hold the club record wink.gif


thanks in advance



hi tom im charlies son and your soon find out from everyone i am one for trying to get trips out on nice boats.


i love wreck fishing and well into my congering so anytime your short of any crew on weekends i would love to come, i am still at school and only 15 but i am 6ft 3in so well capable of pulling in the anchor or any jobs i dont mind.


and i am sure i could get some good wrecks from dad with a few conger seen as he does hold the club record wink.gif


thanks in advance



Hi Sam


Assuming the weather is OK, I would be very pleased to have you onboard and to head out congering on 26th.

I am thinking of ditching the windlass on the boat as it is not ideal for deep water anchoring so your muscles will come in very handy to help haul the anchor.


Just a thought, but if your dad wanted to join us it may be a good practise session for the comp the following day. I'll need to check the tides, but we may be able to get one or two drifts with jellies before putting the hook down too?


Check and see if the 26th works and let me know as I would really enjoy a day on the snakes. Over at Weymouth we have some cracking inshore marks where an average day would see eels topping 50lb with every chance of a 60lb+ fish (the best is mid 80's from a reef about a mile off the Bill) but I would love a crack at some slippery critters over here...


As with anyone else who fancies a trip out, just let me know by giving me a ring or PM me.


All the best



and i am sure i could get some good wrecks from dad with a few conger seen as he does hold the club record wink.gif


thanks in advance



I thought Bob F got a bigger eel last week..... rolleyes.gif

I must have been dreaming.... sorry it was Bob who was .... biggrin.gif



Do you buoy your anchor alderney ring style? You (or Sam) would struggle to haul up by hand





Boat came as standard with lewmar winch which is great for al chain in shallow water. It takes up too much room in the rope locker and means only 100 metres of warp fitted, coupled with the fact that it is very slow and now has a minor fault meaning it chews the warp back into the winch unless you physically pull it down into the locker from the winch.


Ever since we got the boat we have planned to remove the current system and replace with a redesigned bow roller and "side roller" system to bouy the anchor as we always used to on our old Mitchell.


Haven't actually got round to this yet and although manually hard work, once the anchor is off the bottom it isn't really too tough a job just to haul it up.

There is no way you could just pull it off the bottom, so you do have to drive up on the anchor very slowly with the anchor man taking in the slack with a turn on the cleat in the rope locker. Once vertically up and down the anchor "pops" out ofthe bottom and it is just a case of hauling.


We haven't yet set a trip in the anchor, but may have that done over the next few days.




hi tom thanks for the offer but i dont think it would be a good idea tyring myself out before the big comp, would love to come any other time and my best eel so far is a mere 46lb so would love to catch one of the bigger beasts.


thanks again




Tom if yu do a search on Alderney ring, there are some posts on this subject, very well discussed. It's easy and effectless.


Some smaller chartered boats use this system so I can't see why you can't with your boat. If you have no access to your bow, them you might want to use the Alderney ring with a lazy line.


Haven't actually got round to this yet and although manually hard work, once the anchor is off the bottom it isn't really too tough a job just to haul it up.

Tom I think you would struggle when in deep water with a tide running full chat, even with creeping up on the anchor it would be hard work, bin there had the blisters but thankfully recovered tongue.gif



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