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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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The sort of net I am looking for is about a 1" mesh using polyester twine. Big enough to make a 30" dia X 30" deep net. I find the fine nylon woven net is a hook magnet, particularly if one has been using trebble hooks on plugs or spinners. Once in a hook has to be cut out of them. The harder polyester twine is less likely to get penetrated by a hook and as the mesh is wider presents less drag when lifting a fish out of the water.


S/S rod I pick up at Walter Shaws metal scrap yard at Nuffield trading estate. One only pays scrap metal wholesale price for it. The rod rest array that a lot of Warrior and their clones have at the back of the boat usually cost in excess of




I have what I believe is 30mm ploy. twine net. This may be a tad large, but as you say, it is light and offers little resistance through the water. I can get my hands on a smaller mesh should it become needed. Of course, the smaller we go the heavier and slower in the water. I'll take a couple of low res. pics. My old frame is an alli. tube 32" x 22" pear drop shape. Been very good over the years but has now given up.


I'll bring a sample of the 30mm to the next meeting.


Back later with a pic or two.






If you can get suitable netting, I for one would also be interested, since I have one of the Snowbee nets on my landing net at the moment butr the netting could do with being coarser and the net size could do with being bigger ( for that elusive monster fish ! )






Just been sorting out a mock-up for a net we use for pike when electric fishing.


Might do both jobs!


We would need to stitch the bag ourselves as the net comes raw form.






I will need to learn how to stitch together, but sure I could do this. I have just bought a broom handle to use for the landing net handle - seems strong enough - just working out how to drill a hole through the bit the handle slides into ( stainless steel and my rechargable drill wont hold charge for long sad.gif ).




Mike and Paul,


Mock-up of tapered landing net. Beauty of this type is you can make them long enough to do any job. You can net anything provided you have your 'rod' well forward and let the net stream out from the stern. Magic for congers! Also helps with really hefty fish as the frame is usually aboard with the fish in the back of the net before leaving the water, and can be lifted by the net bag itself. You can simply make the net as long as you wish as you can see from the photo. (Don't pay too much heed to the build quality of this one, it's just to demonstrate).


You can see the potential length of this one goes far beyond any real need. I have put a white cable tie where I would finish off a normal net. A conger rigging would be longer.


Just to give you the scale the frame is 97 inches circumference. 32" handle to front rim 27" wide 40" deep.


If you were to make one quite deep for the specimen conger trip, that's fine. If you're after rays and don't fancy digging to the bottom of the net, just put a strong cable tie part way down. The closed bag at the bottom offers little resistance as it is a vertical diamond and stays closed tight. If 'Monty the Python' turns up, just snip the tie.


All of this, of course, will need a bit of patience to rig up.............. That's what stormy nights are for laugh.gif






No trouble Chap.


I'll see what I can do......... wink.gif


I've borrowed a bit to see what can be done, and if it's the right stuff, a wholesale chunk is on the cards if you guys like it.


Like I said, if I bring some to the meeting (I'll bring the mock-up), you could have a 'look-see' and moreover, we could discuss various ways to rig it to best suit your needs.







I should point out that the way I've rigged the net in the photo is a triangle. The part that goes around the rim of the frame is over 4 metres long. The net narrows toward the bottom to the point of the triangle, so the finished net could be immensely deep, if required, narrowing as it goes.


Wait to see the proto.




  • 2 weeks later...

Moderate Mike tongue.gif ........ and Paul D.


Mike. Couldn't pick you out at the meeting as you were not obvious, so changed your web handle huh.gif .


Very busy meeting.

I had the mock-up net at the meeting but things were so busy that the moment was lost for mere net discussion. If you guys would like to have some net to try I'll cost it and let you know as soon as you tell me what sizes. Mike I have yours already so I'll dig out the info and let you know. You should really have a 'butchers' at the stuff so I'll send you a sample. If it ain't right I'll investigate further. A couple of the chaps recon it was the DB's for a conger net.








Sorry I didnt get a chance to chat at the meeting. The size of net I am after is 48 inch diameter and a depth suitable for a conger ( not sure on how deep this needs to be - 5 FT ? )


cheers Paul


Moderate Mike tongue.gif ........ and Paul D.


Mike. Couldn't pick you out at the meeting as you were not obvious, so changed your web handle huh.gif .


Very busy meeting.

I had the mock-up net at the meeting but things were so busy that the moment was lost for mere net discussion. If you guys would like to have some net to try I'll cost it and let you know as soon as you tell me what sizes. Mike I have yours already so I'll dig out the info and let you know. You should really have a 'butchers' at the stuff so I'll send you a sample. If it ain't right I'll investigate further. A couple of the chaps recon it was the DB's for a conger net.




OMG the meeting! ohmy.gif Sorry guys I forgot all about it.


Wedge how about PM-ing me so we can arrange to meet for me to collect the net?


Mad Mike



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Paul D


Have you managed to rig your landing net yet?......... unsure.gif


Did it work out?.......... smile.gif


Post a photo if you have one please.......... rolleyes.gif








I totally missed this post - just found it when I went to writeon landing net details. Landing Net is rigged up and I think looks awesome ( Awesomely big anyhow ! ).

I havent got a picture yet but will take one and you can see my "handiwork".


I probably could have tied it to the frame a little better and I sewed up the side using a piece of netting cut into a single strip ( as I had no twine suitable ). Worked a treat.


Picture to follow


Downside it is bigger than my previous net and harder to stow away on the boat, so now I need to rig together a landing net holder smile.gif







Bigger boat sounds by far the best option tongue.gif


I look foward to seeing the finished article.


I use braided rigging nylon for my nets, if you have trouble let me know. Wouldn't want you to loose a python through the mesh of your new net for the lack of string.






Thanks for the offer, but I have it very stringly stiched up. Photo of the finished article here - ( not fantastic but anyone tried taking a picture of a net ! )








you wouldn't happen to know of a proven congering boat coming up for sale would you??................. wink.gif





ohmy.gif OOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo I say Paul,


Nice one biggrin.gif .


If you've got any net left over.......... unsure.gif , I'll see if it would do a Dab net laugh.gif




Now Trevor


You know thats not what I meant wink.gif


With the frustration of waiting for the new one, I fancy wetting a line soon

Moaning at boat builders is atrting to P me off.



How about a trip to test the net Paul???????????????



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