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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I am sure this will duplicate Adams.


But we decided to go early and get more of the flood. Beautiful as you can see from the photo. Well we had to stick it out for some time, just the doggies and pout. Then just before high water ADAMs rod goes over again mad.gif


And the fish is unstoppable, taking line for several minutes and me swearing and cursing his parentage as yet again, same baits, same tackle etc etc. ADAM gets the first decent bite mad.gif


I decide to help out and while I am reeling in ADam's other rod, mine started to go.

Well, I took it easy in case it was the other fish. Soon realised it wasn't and Adam's 42lb conger came over the side and a few mintutes later my first really decent cod. When we looked at it on the deck, I thought a double. possibly 12lb, but didn't take into account how well the size went right down the fish. 17lb 10oz.


After all the excitement it went dead again so we decided to fish a small wreck for the ebb. Adam again rolleyes.gif , with 2 small congers about 20lb and 15lb and that was it.


Great day again Adam, thanks

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