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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Gordon and I decided to give the main comp a miss today and have another crack at the cod with the weather being so good. It was agreed an early start was needed to have a crack at the flood tide, so at 6.30 Gordon arrives - its blo%%dy freezing, at least -4c in Verwood....the boat is frozen solid, just a good job it was loaded the night before!


We were on the water at 7.45am en-route to our chosen mark, and what a morning!!! The blood red sun just breaking the freezing early morning mist - who the hell wants to be in bed! biggrin.gif


20 minutes later and we hit a think bank of freezing fog, luckily it soon lifted and we setteld on the mark. The first two hours were quite slow with the hot tea and egg and bacon rolls keeping morale high! Then, shortly after 10.30 my rod hoops over and I'm in!! biggrin.gif This was on my 50lb class rod with a TLD20 and 65lb braid and for 5 minutes I could stop it! ohmy.gif It just kept steaming off downtide....well, either a big blonde or a big cod as it was nodding and fighting well. After about 15 minutes we saw the leader....convinced it was a ray or a cod we were astonished when a big grey shape neared the boat! A blo%^dy big eel! Just as Gordon was about to net it his rod whacks over leaving me to solitare the beast! I slipped the gaff under his chin and heaved him aboard. As Gordon looked to have a decent fish on also I was in a rush to weigh him and get in back in, struggling to hold the fish off the deck (was longer than me - 6' 1") and also pretty heavy, I took the lowest reading from the scales - 42lb... biggrin.gif


Gordons fish however looked more like an eel, but we prayed for a golden bar....it was fighting deep leading us to think it was a cod, until it neared the boat and in typical eel fashion came high in the water....then a tail broke the surface and the cry went out - COD! To add to the mayhem, Gordy's rod then snapped just as the fish neared the net and the lead became tangled ohmy.gif in the end it was a safe result and a superbly proportioned 17lb 10oz cod lay on the deck of BW! What a result! biggrin.gif


We moved on the ebb to a wreck 6 miles further East which produced a few modest eels to round the day off nicely! The wind dropped to nothing at 2pm and we had a glorious 15 mile run back home.


Roll on next weekend! biggrin.gif


Well done chaps,Good to see someones getting some action. biggrin.gif

I sneaked out from the nappys the day after yhe IOW cod comp, but just threw 4 box's of squid at the doggy's. sick.gif

As ive got the kids on my fishing day now mad.gifsick.gifmad.gif Your not going to be getting many catch reports from me this winter blink.gif

Hope to be out sunday


Tight lines


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