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I'm looking for a fixed spool reel for light stuff like breams or bass, what would you guys recommend?

If it is for Bass and you will be live baiting (amongst other things) then I would recommend a small Shimano Baitrunner.


Very smooth reel, plenty of power when needed and the ability to let a fish swim with the bait before you set the hook.


Id always go front drag when using it for sea fishing. The drags are more basic but stronger and more easily accesable in a rush.


I'd also always go for a Shimano.




I'm still using my ancient Mitchell 300 / 400 s....... I think I've got 5 of them!.....


they do the business with everything from trotting the river with 3 lb. line for dace and grayling .......... to bass and flounder in the harbour .......... and coped admirably with the feisty salmon in Canada last summer.


Even though they get washed every trip they don't like the sea and paint lifts off the spool.......... but they still keep going 'Seagull' style, due to simplicity....


... and I've even found websites for spares , in the States.


I don't think the reel is too important.......... if you are happy using it, confident and it works properly !




don't think the reel is too important.......... if you are happy using it, confident and it works properly !


A contradiction terms??


I agree with the last bit, but as too its importance....


I could live with a rod I wasnt 100% happy with, line - as long as it didnt break and I could feel the bites, etc...but the reel...I personally feel this is the most imprtant part of the set up, how it loads the line, performs under pressure, the smoothness of the drag and the einching power of the gears.


Having had countless dozens of reels in the past few years I ahve seen the good, the bad and the ugly...


Off my soap box now!!




Look for a Shimano 4010 gtm (fighting drag) this one has a sort of lever drag at the back which is easy to access in a rush. Plus the reel speed is 6.2.1. I don`t think this would be any good in fast tides, but on the drift or slackish water no problem. Check out ebay item 7197331748. These drags are set to what you want then when you get the big one!!! and it surges off you just move the lever to the left or right far easier than reaching round the front. Also double handle for perfect balance.


all the best Gary


For what it's worth, I'm with Tom on this one. I've used Shimano Baitrunners in various sizes all over the world for many different species and they've never let me down. The baitrunning facility is very useful. I've landed fish up to 46lb on them without a problem. When Alun and I fished for bass in the harbour, he nearly lost his rod to the first fish of the day, I saw it disappearing and grabbed it. With the baitrunner facility, this is not a risk.


am, I'd steer clear of a front drag setting.......clumsy to adjust when a big fish is on, stick with either a rear drag, or the new style lever type. Grauvell have a few nice reels on the market now, ask BB about his that he uses with his multi tip rod...its pretty good.


I have a cheap Shimano catana I think, 3000 series, its lasted 4 yrs in salt water, I also have a Shimano Baitrunner, which is pretty good....both have a relatively fast retrieve, and didnt break the bank.



  • 6 months later...

Bargin Id say,


Most of the reels mentioned above are coarse reels used for the sea - the penn is a dedicted sea reel.


Crazy uses these for bass and swears by them. Simple, smooth and reliable.






I reckon that the 4400 would be ideal for bream. Im not that familier with the sizes of these reels, but I do know the bigger ones are massive, if only for bream then the 4400 should be ideal...




I'm putting my quidsworth in for the new mitchell 300s. I've caught a good few salmon on mine and the drag is just dream smooth and never snatches. Also like the old ones they fish well with a shallow spool for light work or with a deep spool and big spinner.


I've never had a Shimano though I know they are also excellent but having been in love with the old Mitchells (and loving eccentric French engineering) I had to get one of the new ones.


I'm putting my quidsworth in for the new mitchell 300s. I've caught a good few salmon on mine and the drag is just dream smooth and never snatches. Also like the old ones they fish well with a shallow spool for light work or with a deep spool and big spinner.


I've never had a Shimano though I know they are also excellent but having been in love with the old Mitchells (and loving eccentric French engineering) I had to get one of the new ones.

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