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How you can help to support the proposal to increase the minimum landing size of

bass to 45cms

Defra has now announced details of the consultation, covering the raising of the bass minimum

landing size (MLS) from 36 cms to 45 cms, together with an appropriate rise in the commercial

net mesh sizes. If successful, this will be the first phase in the implementation of the proposals

outlined in the 'Bass Management Plan',

[ http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/bmp/index.html ] others should follow in 2006.

Full details of the Defra consultation, including the consultation letter and accompanying

documentation can be read on this web site

[ http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/consultation_mls.html ]. Alternatively you can

visit the Defra web [ http://www.defra.gov.uk/fish/consult/index.htm] site for full details.

Now is the time for the recreational sea angler to participate in determining UK Government

policy and law on the management of the UK inshore bass fishery and if successful, we hope will

lead to other species sought by recreational sea anglers receiving similar protection. Please do not

waste this opportunity, write a letter to Defra in support NOW. Thank you.[NB - the closing date

for responses is 8 february 2006]

We are aware that there will be tremendous opposition from the commercial sector, so it is

VERY IMPORTANT that there is an overwhelming response of support from the recreational

sea angling sector for these proposals.

Suggested action to take

Write a letter to Defra, supporting the proposals. [see 'writing letters' below]

[NB - residents of Wales will need to address their response to the Welsh Assembly

Government, please refer to the separate Wales consultation documentation

(http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/wales_consultation_mls.html'>http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/wales_consultation_mls.html) on this web site, for


Write a letter to, or visit your local MP/Welsh Assembly Member, asking him/her to support the

proposals by making representations to the Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP, Fisheries Minister, on

your behalf. [see 'Writing letters' below]

[NB - residents of Wales can ask their Welsh Assembly Government member write to the Rt Hon

Carwyn Jones, Minister for Environment Planning & Countryside, Welsh Assembly

Government as well as the Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP to support the proposals.]

Important note

You will be aware from the consultation documents (ria) [ for full details visit -

http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/consultation_mls.html ] there are various options

available for consideration. However, BASS/SACN/NFSA are urging sea anglers to support

Option 2, which is an immediate increase of the bass MLS to 45cms. Should this bring the

expected benefits, then there will a stronger case for a higher increase in MLS at a later date

when bass benefiting from this increase reach the higher sizes.

There is concern that a vote now for Option 5 (a staged increase in the MLS for bass to 55 cm),

will benefit those supporting Option 1 (do nothing) by splitting the vote between Options 2 and 5.

We also recommend that you support an increase in corresponding mesh sizes to 110cm as this

will allow the greatest numbers of bass below 45cm to slip through.

Writing letters

The following examples are for guidance only, since it is preferable that you compose a letter in

your own words, possibly using the information contained in the 'bullet points' (see below).

Writing to Defra - below is a basic letter.

Address your response to:-

Nicola Clarke

Coastal Waters Policy Branch


Area 7E

3-8 Whitehall Place

London SW1A 2HH

[NB - residents of Wales must address their response to the Welsh Assembly Government. For

address details please refer to the 'Wales consultation (mls)'

(http://ukbass.com/bassmanagementplan/wales_consultation_mls.html) web page.]



I am writing to express my total support for Option 2 of the proposal to increase the bass

minimum landing size from 36 cms to 45 cms.

I also support the proposal to increase the minimum mesh sizes of nets used to catch bass

by licensed commercial fishermen from 90mm to 110mm.

Please remember to Sign the letter and print your full name beneath your signature, as well as,

making sure your full address is legible so that Defra can acknowledge your response and

include you in any further consultations.

We cannot over emphasise how important it is to try and write your response to the Defra

consultation in your own words. However, if you are unable to find the time to produce a letter

in your own words using the 'bullet points', please make the effort to 'copy & paste' the above

example and send to Defra. Thank you.

Writing to your MP or Welsh Assembly member

If you are not sure who your local MP or Welsh Assembly member is, visit this web site,

http://www.writetothem.com/ , for details.

When contacting your MP it is preferable that you write, rather than email, since emails can

easily be deleted, whereas a letter has to be replied to, as required under parliamentary

procedures. Keep your wording simple, preferably using your own words, ideally incorporating

some of the 'bullet points', given below. [NB - This website,

http://www.writetothem.com/about-qa#formletters , gives useful help about writing letters to

Mps, etc.]

Example - Letter to your own MP or Welsh Assembly member

You will be aware that Defra [NB - the Welsh Assembly Government, for residents of Wales]

are currently conducting a consultation over a proposal to increase the minimum landing

size of bass from 36 cms to 45 cms.

This will ensure that each female bass will have spawned at least once and aid the

provision of bigger fish for both the recreational sea angling sector and the inshore

commercial fishermen.

The associated socio-economic benefits derived from this, will help to benefit coastal

communities around the UK from the increased recreational sea angling activity, as well as,

produce greater profit for inshore commercial fishermen. This development is in line with

the recommendations made by the Cabinet Office, Strategy Unit report of 2004, 'Net

benefits' into the future of UK fisheries. In addition this proposal will produce positive

ecological effects for the inshore marine environment.

There are many Recreational Sea Anglers in this constituency who will be delighted should

the proposals be adopted, with your assistance.

I urge you to respond personally and positively to the Defra consultation, and ask you to

make representation to the Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw, the fisheries minister, (see note 1 below)

asking him to ensure that the proposals are fully implemented.

The consultation details can be accessed on the Defra website,

[http://www.defra.gov.uk/fish/consult/index.htm].[NB - the Welsh consultation package can

be found at http://www.countryside.wales.gov.uk]

[(note 1) - Welsh Assembly Government Members should also write to the Rt Hon Carwyn

Jones, Minister for Environment Planning & Countryside, Welsh Assembly Government, as well

as the Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP.]

[Comment - for more information about the recommendations of the Cabinet Office, Strategy

Unit in their report, 'Net Benefits' read this archived post on the BASS web site at,

http://ukbass.com/2004/03/strategy-unit-re...-fisheries.html ]

Bullet points



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