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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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It has been one of the things I have always wanted to do in life, and when a mate of mine did it this summer it made me want to take the plunge even more....the oppertunity came last night....when I spent an hour at the bottom of Canford School Pool....yep, thats right Scuba diving!


It was a 'Try-Dive' night and FOC it gave you the chance to experiance it before taking the plunge with your PADI course, rach and I went along, and as no-one else turned up we had 2 hours of 1-2-1 tuition! I have snorkelled loads in the past but this was much, mcuh better - even in a pool, it is just a sureal experinace.


Anyway both of us will be doing the course this summer with a view to having a joint hobby and something to do aboard - I may even do a few dives in the UK.


.....So when you see BW anchored on your favourite wreck next year minus the rods - you know whats happening!!


That's a coincidence. I got out my old BSAC Diving Manual the other day and started reading it.


Shame you didn't tell us about the Try-Dive, Karen and I would've been up for it.


How much is the Summer coarse?








Sorry - it was a bit last minute. Thye are doing another session next tues, again FOC or can arrange them to suit.


They run courses to suit - I say next summer as that is when we are likey to do ours - plus the water is warmer. The course is the PADI Open Water, and costs about


you will love scuba but it does make the fishing seem a bit dull at times but a lot more dangerous , also very labour intensive with several hours prep and cleaning up for an hour under water and it aint cheap

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