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Just been out to sort the boat out 4 boxing day(thought i best not be doing it 2moz!!) and the steering wheel won't turn. It looks like the steering cable has jammed. There is about an inch movement on the wheel, but the cable is stuck. Anyone know where i start? I recon it may be jammed in the unit behind the wheel, but anyone know the best place to start? I will be messing about trying 2 fix it 5.30 on mon, prob out in the snow just so i can fish.


more likely to be stuck at the motor end helm is simple remove the cover plate off the back and the workings are there to see unusual for that to jam it normaly strips the teeth on the helm

  • 3 weeks later...

mike, no luck, still stuck. I have disconnected from engine and the engine moves freely. I will have to get it sorted, but as im in the process of moving, i just havnt got round to it. I have spmeone comming round on Mon who will hopefully sort it out, and with a bit of luck, give the yammy a service. no rush though as ive finished for the season now anyway. time 2 consentrate on some sourse fishing for a couple of months now.




I had this on my Wilson/Mariner 60 some time ago.


Had emulsified and hardened grease together with a little corrosion in the tube that guides the rod on the end of the teleflex. (sorry about the technical terms) Seal gone sad.gif . I disconnected both ends to make sure I did no damage when I belted it out. It helped a great deal to work in some penetrating oil (Kent rust penetrant). Contact time for the penetrant is far more important than vigour with the mallet blink.gif ..patience pays. When removed, a darn good scrape out, cleaned with alcohol, silicone spray and dry. New seals and packed with marine grease.


Good Luck smile.gif




T, where does one obtain the said releasant?? I've got the front hub on the Hi-Lux partially dismantled, and the cones on the outer hub are proving a tad difficult to free up......even with a little "tickling" as Pete puts it, with a hide hammer!!!


I'm off today, so will have a check around Town for some.




Rich you have a PM



Kent Rusty Penetrant is labelled as 'professional use only' so you are unlikely to find it in the shops. It SHOULD be standard in many workshops so ask around your friendly chaps for the odd half can.



  • 2 weeks later...

D'you know I never knew you could buy just an inner Bowdenx type cable for a Teleflex system. What's more it would be nigh on impossible to thread a cord down through the outer cable to pull it through, but then why would you want to pull it through with a cord.?. Or am I missing the point entirely?


Mad Mike




I replaced the whole system on my boat, and it changed the steering experience of two handed manoevering (which btw is potentially dangerous, not being in full control of the throttle....) to being able to spin the wheel with one finger.


I'm just illustrating the point, that for me, it was the best

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