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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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As was said before pout makes a lovely flaky fish cake, not to mention either deepfry it in batter or flour or bread crumb.


I have also tasted wrasse, yes the smaller fish is boney, and flesh is very cotton like but the big fish are not boney at all, and the flesh is that much firmer. Lovely tasting deep fried in cornflour and pour a sweet and sour sauce with chunky vegs over it.




Everyone's taste differs, so its always worth giving something a try even if it does generally get a bad press. One marine myth I've yet to test is whether scad really are as impossibly bony as they are said to be. Still waiting to get one big enough to be worth investigating wink.gif

The most controversial fish in culinary terms has to be the doggie, though. Views are pretty polarised, people seem to either love or hate them.




I love scads..... biggrin.gif


I don't think they are that boney, no more than herring I think. The mistake people made is to fillet them, once filleted, the tinny bones are difficult to get rid off. I like to pan fry the who fish and seperate out the flesh using knife and fork, it's much easier if the back bone id present. Remeber to cut out the few scales on the lateral line near the tail. Sprinkle a dash of light soy sauce just before lifting off pan, it adds to the favour.


I quite like doggies, didn't like tope, haven't try a smoothy thinking it's more tope than dog.


Watched an old Floyds programme and he said Weever fish is quite nice. Don't supposed anyone try it?


Kam....dead right, the humble weever is often the crowning top piece of a mediteranean fish dish, served whole atop a pile of other such delicacies from the deep.


I believe that BB has eaten the dish whilst on holls.



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