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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Low tide was 9.30am at Mudeford this morning, so we figured that a nice early 7.30am launch would put us through the entrance before the bar got too shallow.


On arriving though this seemed way out, as the LW rollers broke over the sandbank - with the only other option waiting until lunch time we went for it and hurryed to launch BW and Splash-Out.


Everyone seemed surprised, and when Paul D rung with events over at Emsworth it seemed the tide had caught not just us.


The bar was mega shallow and even at 1 knot with the prop dipping in and out we crunched the bottom several times - BW's keel taking a battering again.... sad.gif


Once out though a gorgeous sunny crisp winters morning greeted us on our long steam South the find new lumps of wreckage.


The first wreck was not at the numbers we were given, but a 10 minute grid search unviled the beast of the deep. I must admit to anchoring a little far uptide this time after the events of the previosu week - this left us a little too far from the wreck with a dying tide - and after only a couple of weak bites we tucked into bacon and egg chiabattas. A MK1 Mitchell turned up and proceed to try and fish the same wreck - he even waved! Cheeky b***std. I would have been more annoyed but it wasnt fishing and we were moving anyway, so we shot of to the next target.


Again we had to search this one out, but once we did a lovely big beast of a wreck loomed. Once anchored it was apparent we were too close, so take 2 - perfect, and eels from the off, but each one became snagged on debris off the bow of the wreck, so third time lucky and a good 400 yards up tide we settled again. Eels were plentiful, but getting them out of the steel almost impossible so after loosing over 20lb of lead we gave up and came back 5 miles closer.


This time much better and in under 2 hours Gordon and I had over 20 eels - all peas in the proverbial pod at 20-30lb but good fun and saved the day!


A great run back at 20 knots with the sea off the stern and back on the slip for 4pm - phew! Knackered now!!


It seems others faired OK??.....




Had an eventful ( if not fishful ) day.


Up at 5:15 AM and off to Emsworth at 5:30. Cleared frost from car and off I went.

Got to Emsworth early. Westray was all ready to go. Steve turns up with his fishing buddies and we head out the marina.

getting to the sill ( which keeps the marina full of water at low tide ) and Steve shouts "What is the height stick by the sill reading ? )

"One" is the reply as in "One Foot".


We go for it but only make it halfway over the sill - no way is this boat going fishing. Boat is now stuck on the sill with a fast retreating tide ( ref. pics elsewhere ). We make our way from the boat along the sill and I drive back home.


Could still go fishing though, so phone up Charlie and crew is arranged ( Sam and Daniel ). Drive over to Poole and launch at 11 AM. Off to mark near the Clan Mcvey where we have pout after pout plus an unbelievably small whiting, then Sam catches a really nice sized lobster.


Splash Out and Coddie ( with Rich ) were fishing the McVey so headed over to fish that way, but nothing showing as the tide slackened - had another small whiting.


Was getting well tired by now and others headed back, so made way back to Poole - saw Ginsky coming back in.


Engine still running like s*it but I cant be worried about it as new one will be ordered next week. - cant wait.


Still good to get out.


I was around xray/southbourne to no effect


one conger of about 30lb and then just pout and doggies.


It was dodgy going through thr run, i made it out fine about 7:am but Stringray got grounded. With out power tilt i couldn't get close enough to help him and with the tide streaming out it would have been dangerous, hope he made it out ok?


Coming back in there were a few rollers to surf over the bar on! ohmy.gif


Enjoyable day out, but not a good fish day


Paul J



Yes, a good day out, thanks Adam.


Although it looked like it was going to be one of those days as rig after rig was left down on the wreck. When we got a conger the damaged knots and line and 2lb of lead robbed us on the way up.


Anyway last wreck of the day went great, and as the tide slackened the better ones showed up with a couple of 30s coming up.


Really nice to have a day busy hauling good fish if you have had a couple of slow trips


Yes, Stingray did make it out, after Pete leapt over the side and dragged Stingray off the gravel. It's good to work as a team! That's another prop bu**ered. Glad I went for the option where I only have to fork out for a


Dave and I got out on Phaeton and our catch report is a match to Marineboy's - Dave getting the conger this time round.


Nice day to be out burning diesel - if we had know Blue Warrior's plan we might have joined in (although Adam seems to prefer wrecks to himself!! rolleyes.gif )


Not as much fun with shallows as others but didn't escape unscathed - it would appear that a fellow fisher on the same pontoon suffered a small problem during the week and has caused significant damage to Phaeton. I am sure that he just hasn't got round to telling anyone yet; or didn't realise the damage (possible - he's hardly scratched!)........no doubt he will call me next week...........

Dave and I got out on Phaeton and our catch report is a match to Marineboy's - Dave getting the conger this time round.


Nice day to be out burning diesel - if we had know Blue Warrior's plan we might have joined in (although Adam seems to prefer wrecks to himself!! rolleyes.gif )


Not as much fun with shallows as others but didn't escape unscathed - it would appear that a fellow fisher on the same pontoon suffered a small problem during the week and has caused significant damage to Phaeton. I am sure that he just hasn't got round to telling anyone yet; or didn't realise the damage (possible - he's hardly scratched!)........no doubt he will call me next week...........

Hi Duncan


I feel bad about the joke I made on a previous thread weep.gifsick.gifweep.gif


Sorry to hear mate hope it gets sorted for you.





as he will probably not inform you barry page caught a cod on sheila marie 12lb to 15lb i believe well done to that man as cod this year are extremely rare and every year more so


I understand from the boatyard manager that the gentleman concerned has 'admitted' the incident but didn't think he had caused any damage. This is entirely understandable and it should now simply be a matter of leaving it to his insurers to sort out in due course.


For those with a morbid curiosity (and given the views of a boat at Emsworthy there are a few rolleyes.gif ) I will post pictures later.


Anyhow I am a lot happier today than I was yesterday.


Nice day to be out burning diesel - if we had know Blue Warrior's plan we might have joined in (although Adam seems to prefer wrecks to himself!!  )


Sorry Duncan - of course you would have been made more than welcome biggrin.gif - its not that I like them to myself, more that 1.) the wreck was small - only 100' in length making dual anchoring tricky 2.) We we anchored slap bang in the middle and 3.) He didnt even have the courtesy to radio me on 16 and ask if I minded or what my intentions were.


Yes, the bar was v. shallow - going out I advise to keep you waders AND a lifejacket on - this way you can hop over the side and pull the boat without too much trouble, but beware the strongly ebbing tide - hence the lifejacket.


Coming in, we had the rollers to, but I kept up a decent speed - 10 knots + and tilted the engine at the last minute, our momentum carried us in easily and stopped the waves brouching BW.


Thanks Charlie.


I am not sure what's needed really pictures here showing the upper and lower angles - the lower one shows the nylon band that holds the deck and hull together has been broken away over about a foot (the upper shows it's split), the trim is broken and there's gell and maybe fiberglass to do.

ie it's not just a gel patch and refinish.


When I get details I will send photos to his insurers and ask them how they wish to proceed - if they ask me to get quotes then your assistance would be appreciated.


These things happen..............



Hi Duncan


That looks nasty weep.gif but there are a couple of people we use that will get her sorted for you


as we discussed on the phone do not leave it to long because as spring approaches they get very busy


Charlie biggrin.gif

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