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Afternoon All, me again...


Hope I'm not breaking any forum rules but...


Do people have favourite local (Poole area) vendors for boat supplies and services?


Are there club members who offer particular services? (oooer missus tongue.gif )


Is there a Screwfix/Play.247 (i.e. cheap online place) for boat supplies?


For example, might soon be looking for:

Some minor gel coat repairs

Outboard servicing (mobile?)

Marine electrical supplies (wiring supplies and instruments)

Window rubbers

General chandlery items

Deck paint


Perhaps an idea for another section of the forum?


There's a special paints supplier in West Moors who does a great non slip epoxy + grit especially for boat decks.


I have their details somewhere at work. I'll PM you if you prompt me when ready.


When I had my Shetland, I used garage floor paint (cheap) then sprinkle sand over (semi) wet paint for drip.


Mobile mechanic, that depends on where you are, I'm sure each one here can recommend at least one, but does he cover your area?


Look at the links/sponser page, there are some local companies who do prices as keen as some net based companies, not to mention sometimes it's good to use club sponsers....... rolleyes.gif




Sea screws: all sort on or off decks, metal or plastic


Washing, cleaning and detailing



For example, might soon be looking for:



Give me a PM and I can share a few money saving tips.


Mad Mike


PS Newboys tip re garage floor paint is a good one. I have used it as a bilge and locker paint for years and the addition of a dusting of WOOD DUST makes it none slip. Sand is too harsh on the knees, Wood dust by the tone from my workshop is free.



Wood dust by the tone from my workshop is free.

............does that mean hardwood sawdust Mike? rolleyes.gif


I feel a fish smokin' session comin' on! wink.gif




I meant fine sand like those Martin mentioned. I use a kitchen sieve to spread the sand over the floor. They are no courser than your standard black non slip surface.


Wood dust by the tone from my workshop is free.

............does that mean hardwood sawdust Mike? rolleyes.gif


I feel a fish smokin' session comin' on! wink.gif



Thassa thought Trev', depends on what I have been putting through the Table saw (and planer thicknesser). But now you mention it would you like me to save the hardwood waste? It's teak mostly and a bit of oak. I take it soft wood (pine) is no good as is MDF and other resinbonded stuff.


Mad Mike


PS I still rate wood dust through a sieve for none slip, one gets a nice suede effect that is not skin striping.


It's teak mostly and a bit of oak. I take it soft wood (pine) is no good as is MDF and other resinbonded stuff.


Don't know about teak, but the oak is fine biggrin.gif . The other stuff we should avoid like the plague sick.gif .



Mad Mike said

one gets a nice suede effect that is not skin striping.

Best plan is not to take the falling over liquid Mike then the landing doesn't matter. laugh.giflaugh.gif




It's teak mostly and a bit of oak. I take it soft wood (pine) is no good as is MDF and other resinbonded stuff.


Don't know about teak, but the oak is fine biggrin.gif . The other stuff we should avoid like the plague sick.gif .



I shall stick the oak and other nice woods in a bucket and give you a shout when I've got a bucket full.


Mad Mike

Mad Mike said

one gets a nice suede effect that is not skin striping.

Best plan is not to take the falling over liquid Mike then the landing doesn't matter. laugh.giflaugh.gif




You do sometimes wonder how much some people have had biggrin.gif


Last year at Cobbs, totaly blocking the whole slip were two blinged up chavs accompanied by their trophy wives all involved in launching some 25ft gin palace off a huge 4 wheeled trailer with a power winch and cocktail bar. Any way they were backed up to the water and the huge Toyota earthmover with blacked out windows had it's exhaust 2ft underwater burbling away. The two guys were heaving like mad at the bow trying to push the boat off the trailer and the women were standing on the side of the slip looking on. Suddenly the boat lurched and slid backwards into the water quite spectacularly and continued on backwards towards the finger berths opposite. Mark my fishing partner said quietly to one of the blokes "You should have had a rope to hold the boat mate". "Oh very f**ing funny" said the bloke looking at the boat then his mate who was looking at him with a blank look. One of them hollered to the trophy wives "Well stop the f**ing thing then" as they both surged into the deep after the retreating boat. One of the wives dropped her mobile phone in the water as she tried to get aboard the drifting boat as it gently touched the side of the slip. We had to ask them to move the Toyota and trailer so we could get out BEFORE they carried on shuffling around chest deep in the water trying to find the phone. They did it quite grudgingly, getting the car seat wet because both wives said "We're too p****d to drive that F**ing thing treacle".


As we left having loaded up 'Pride of Morpork' I sugested they tried calling the sunken phones number so they could hear where the ring came from......We never caught their reply.


Mad Mike


Thanks everyone!


I am now the proud owner (well, Dad and I are the proud owners!) of a boat!


Once I've got 'Star Turn' back to my driveway I'll draw up a list of what needs doing and send some PM's. smile.gif

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