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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Took Neo out to see how the new engine performs. ( Met up with Paul - Sinbad out by Clan McVey )


Incredible how easily the engine starts, not as smooth or as quiet as the Honda when travelling slowly through the harbour ( but I understand they get smoother after 10-15 hours running ) and it is hardly loud, just a "powerful" deep noise


You dont get the clouds of smoke that "normal" 2 stroke engine emit and the unburnt/oily 2 stroke smell was non-existant.


Through the run ( shallow or what - under 2 ft, so engine on large degree of tilt - how did I live without power tilt I wonder ). Then opened her up the acceleration is phenomenal and the engine gets smoother the faster you go.

Took her in burst up to 5000 RPM - the engine makes about the same degree of noise as the Honda but the big difference is the noise sounds good ( hard to explain ) - the old Honda sounded as though it was about to disintegrate.


Had a bit of fun trying to work out how to trim the boat - I think it runs better into choppy seas with the engine trimmed close in - trimming the engine out the nose lifts up but the ride gets bumpy.


Prop seems to be well matched pulling 5000 RPM ( ish ) at 20 knots.


If I had nerves of steel and it had been a bit more flat then 25 knots would be do-able but I can see why Orkney say 23 knots max as it gets hairy around that speed!


Only problems I had was the GPS kept turning off ( bad connection somewhere ) and the cable for the tilt mechanism managed to get wrapped around the trailing/tilt bracket.


Used under half a tank of fuel ( around 10 litres ) so not bad considering the way I was steaming around !


Really shallow coming back in ( as Sinbad warned me as well ) but now I have power tilt no prop damage at all.


Back out tomorrow to use the rest of the fuel smile.gif








Good report and glad to hear you are pleased with your new toy smile.gif


What is the top rpm given by the manufacturers 5500-5600?

How would you compare the fuel economy to that of the Honda?


Have fun tomorrow cool.gif






Top RPM at WOT is quoted as 5000 - 6000 RPM.

It is a little early to compare fuel economy with the Honda but from the first trip it would seem to be very much similar.




I forgot the camera, to witness Pauls new Engine - but it looked pretty awesome, especially when the throttle was opened up. My comments about the trim Paul - on the following waves you seemed to be 'nose up', whereas I was porpoising slightly - seems to show you were too trimmed out for optimum control, and this might have contributed to the 'upwind slamming'

Although by eck it was windy out there !


So, heres a CATCH report....!!!!


3x Dogfish - all femails

I was using a 'berley bomb birthday pressie' coutesy of Alun J. I mention this due to the fact that

1. I would probably have blanked without it, as the bites came shortly after the drop

2. Alun would have been proud as I kept busy in the kitchen, sliced like rick stein, approx 5lb of squid and a half dozen mackerel, in the pitching seas, without lopping off a digit.


Clan Mcvey and Xray produced nothing, although the conditions inshore were more tolerable, the waves being at the limit of bite detection and comfort.


I launched in sub zero, and returned with the temperature not moved from -1.5.

Still loads of sprats ? in the water, but no whiting magic this year.


Time to pack the boat away, and get the motor serviced, I think !!



Thanks to Paul, for showing up and buddy boating, as I wouldnt have wanted to stay out for that long over near the dolphin bank - beware that wind and the wind over tide, for all those who are going tomorrow.


Still, a good blast in the conditions, and better fishing than working.






You are dead right about the trim. Today I had the engine trimmed down and the boat handles much better ( although it wants to turn right all the time - so I shall have to adjust the trim anode ).


Fixed the GPS problem - I had a loose connection for the earth.


Still well shallow today and prop has a very very slight scrape on the side now - care of Christchurch Ledge. 1.5 Ft of water and it was just coming off HW as well - they are going to have to dredge the bar or the yachts are going to have readl problems.


Sea much flatter than yesterday, only slight chop on the water and I caught a nice 9 lb Thornback today as well.




Well done Paul,


You sound well-chuffed!


Do you want some recipes for thornback ....... or did you put it back for me ??


I was planning to go out today.......... and was packing the boat at 7.30 ...... when my daughter turns out to be quiet unwell........ it would have been too selfish to have left mum to cope alone !! ... so banked a few b. points for another [ better fishing] day.


Can't do tomorrow with family function on ......... so hope a few fish will still be around for half-term.


Tight lines,



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