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Few questions.....


Do you need a Rod License if you fish the lower tidal reaches of the Frome?


I'm tend to look for flounder up there?


Which club owns the rights ?, say before and after the Wareham bridge?


Can you take a lillty boat past the wareham bridge and up?


Do you know if you can catch pike/other coarse fish in the tidal reaches?


Appreciate your help.....




The Frome is fairly mixed and I don't know the full stort but I believe the following:


Above or upstream of Wareham Bridge is definately all syndicated water as this is a good Salmon fishery. I think "Wareham Angling Society" do have some fishing on certain stretches of the river out of the game fish season. However there are a lot of rules regarding type of bait and methods. Enquire at Deanos shop in South street "Purbeck Angling" he will know and will probably sell the permits. Down stream is Environment agency. They do sell permits for certain stretches and I have heard that a lot of the south bank fishing is free as long as you have a licence. Check this with the EA though before attempting any fishing.


Well downstream as the river reaches the harbour the rules change. There are white posts marking the end of the EA waters and the begining of Poole Harbour. As you approach from the east in Wareham channel you will see one to the north just before the entrance of the river piddle, then turn the bend toward the Frome and as you get nearer to the mouth of the river you will see a further white post. Draw an imaginary line between these posts for the boundry.


It is not wise to venture upstream of Wareham bridge in a boat as the fishing is guarded fiercly in these parts.


Hope this is of some help,


John c

Thanks for the advice....Are there any restrictions in taking a boat past the Wareham bridge?

No, only the headroom at high tide and the shallow water at low tide.

I keep my boat up river from the bridge.

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