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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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I went a few years afo and it was pretty naff then. Sounds like it has got worst.


I was going to go with Gordon, but Gordon phoned on Friday and didn't sound too keen on going, which was strange as I also was thinking it could be a waste of time, so we decided not to go. What a good decision smile.gif


Instead spent the day replacing a set of rollers on the trailer and adjusting the rollers and boat position ( hopefully making launching easier ).

Then replaced the hitch as it was getting somewhat corroded.


Finally, added a catch on the seat boxes to stop them from tilting when fishing.


BTW: Bought the catches from the Protex site recommended in an earlier post, and I can heartily recommend them - superb.




Terrific reports lads. I hope some of this gets fed back to the show organizers and Sea Angler.


Time and money is precious to us all, and to be hoodwinked into using up both is almost criminal.


I'm angry and I didn't even go!!! mad.gifmad.gif




Hi Simon


Sorry we missed you, but we arrived just after opening and were done...



...just after opening.



For me the show was naff, but I did enjoy ctaching up with one or two old friends and I was dead chuffed with a free copy of the book that JW was plugging.


The Sea Angler demonsrtations were almost exclusively for beach fishing beginners and not the more salty sea dogs of the boat anglng world so I have to agree they were dull and basic to say the least.

I am not sure if the guys doing the demo's / talks can be blamed for this as tey are purely given a brief to follow. One of the guys would be relatively unknown to the boat angler, but, Tony Anderson (MD of Greys) is a top North East match fisherman. I have no idea what he is talking about most of the time, not because it involves catching red cod in nothern kelp beds, but more because of his rather strong geordie accent. He is an absolutely top bloke though, even if a demo of how to rig a blow lug isn't for us.


Once again, I am torn. Good company in the form of Martin on a day when I would normally be working, met some great old friends and discussed a few future fishing forays, but the show was pants beyond belief.




As Terry mentioned we have got large containers of Salt-X and Phew-go,

those of you who are interested, please let the club committee know, so we get

some idea of amount required



The FPO says I need some Phew-go ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif


So can I put my name down on the list of requirements,


I already have got my Salt-X which was received by post a few weeks ago.




Hi Jake


Nice to meet you at the show and looking forward to trying out the "stuff".






Sounds like you have bought something illicit at the show ohmy.gif

Tom, pay great heed to the correct presentation of Blow Lug if you are fishing the Burnham comp!!! wink.gif



"Blow Lug"


Arrrr, now I see. This is the latest hip way of describing "chasing the dragon" is it?


blink.gif sniff sniff blink.gif



Used to fish the Bristol Channel a lot and really enjoyed it.

Normally down at Minehead or over at Penarth.

It was a while a go, but I am sure we got a really good Spring run of cod about now. Not sure whether they get them at Burnham, but sadly I cannot make it there. Would have lvoed to have taken "Nautibusiness", but duty, daughter and work all call.


Pennell rig chucked well up or across the tide loaded with a good half dozen blow lug, one black lug for good measure and a chunky strip of squid...











.... the dogfish loved it biggrin.gif

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