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Picking up on a point Duncan made in another post..........most of the problems are caused by shallow water, shallow gradients at many local venues which favour smaller lighter craft.........


Would/could the club start lobbing Poole council/planning to incorparate a new well made AND THOUGHT OUT slip for Poole harbour. Baiter is a joke for those who are not as strong as an ox and prepared to wade waist deep in freezing water. There are all sorts of grandiose plans for development on the old power station site, the new bridge, and Hamworthy park. Surely a dedicated slip into deep water could be incorparated, something with a decent angle into water at all states of the tide. If So'ton, Lymington, and Cristchurch can have a decent slip or two it is a sin that Poole is so laggardly in its treatment of local and visiting trailer boat owners.



Mad Mike


Good on Yer' Mike.! you tell 'em,I will back you up ,when your petition is running.Best do it soon 'tho, or they'l say, "the plans are all done,and the money all spent ".. sad.gifsad.gif jack

Guest Guest_Rich_Fisherman

I attended a recent meeting of Councillors at the Civic Centre and one councillor raised the subject of improving the slipping facilities. I shall try and remember his name, until then Clive Smith head of Leisure Services could be a good starting point.

email: c.smith@poole.gov.uk



I attended a recent meeting of Councillors at the Civic Centre and one councillor raised the subject of improving the slipping facilities. I shall try and remember his name, until then Clive Smith head of Leisure Services could be a good starting point.

email: c.smith@poole.gov.uk



Ta Rich, I will send him a vitriolic ranting message forthwith and sign it Martin Burt.


Jokes apart Martin Is it OK to say I am a member of the club and there are others who feel that not enough has/is being done for trailer boat owners? If nes' I can copy you for your OK???????? prior to sending something


Mad Mike


it would be worth checking with Bob H via the committee as he may have some valuable info. I wil refer it to the Poole and district Sea angling association meeting on thursday.

i'll see what i can find out


Paul J


Hi Mike


I raised a similar thought with Martin a while ago and the plans on the new "sail bridge" area did include a new slip somewhere.


There is quite a lot of info on the council's web site.


The other main thing to think about is that 2012 Olyimpics will be at Weymouth and one has to ask what is Poole going to do to cash in on all the visitors and boats etc. ???? huh.gif

Like most councils they will say nothing & do nothing as it is too far away ........ yea right! dry.gif


If you want a hand or need another vote you have mine.







What a fantastic point regarding the Olympics. There has got to surely be a demand for launching facilities at ports close to Weymouth.



Finally remembered the name of the councillor who raised the subject about uprating the slip facilities in Poole. Councillor Don collier.

The subject came up during discussions about proposed improvements to Baiter / Whitecliff park. He seemed to favour better slip facilities. Might be worth somebody representing PBSBAC to have an informal with him to see what he has in mind before any petitions go flying about.

He may have some sensible suggestions about how we should move forward on this subject. His email address should be on the Poole Council web site.





Finally remembered the name of the councillor who raised the subject about uprating the slip facilities in Poole. Councillor Don collier.

The subject came up during discussions about proposed improvements to Baiter / Whitecliff park. He seemed to favour better slip facilities. Might be worth somebody representing PBSBAC to have an informal with him to see what he has in mind before any petitions go flying about.

He may have some sensible suggestions about how we should move forward on this subject. His email address should be on the Poole Council web site.



Worth following up. I could spare some time but I don't live in Poole and I feel that that could be used as an excuse for a fob off. However I am happy to lend a poole resident any support I can.


Martin, any ideas???


Mad Mike



You pen the letters and I will forward them in the name of a local club representing over 90 boat owners belonging to a club with a membership of over 150 with all the associtated hangers on who all have a vote!!




Ps we could maybe get Poole sea angling assocoation to respond as well but more about that at our next club meeting


The Poole Harbour Association have decided to call an Extraordinary General Meeting on 23rd February at 7.30 to be held at the Mariners Club West Quay Road in order to discuss the slips at Whittles Way and Slip Way.

I am sure during this meeting, which I guess anybody can turn up, at the issue of other slips is sure to arise.

I have a copy of the invitation here, but being a clockwork person I dont know how to attach it to this document.

Perhaps I could fax it to somebody and they could put it on the notice board.





Admin edit = Poole Harbour Association letter added


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