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A sense of humour.

Strong stomach.

A second job skill to get you through the winter.

A deep pocket.

Skilled at LSD unhooking (not critical cus you'll soon get the hang of it).


When all else fails an angry face and loud voice to chase away the dive boats.

Ability to um and ahh about absolutely nothing on the VHF.

Must to be to tell at least 10 dirty jokes.


There's gotta be loads more...



on top of bobs list goes a yachtmaster coastal + first aid + sea survival and a medical that gets your yachtmaster commercially endorsed for 20 miles from a safe haven the 60 mile is the same except the yachtmaster is offshore not coastal this is the hardest part to do the exam is very in depth and thorough , you do need to know your stuff but i would recomend it because the knowledge you gain can be invaluable

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