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Family rescued from sinking boat

A father and his two children had a lucky escape when they were rescued by a passing vessel after their 12ft speed boat began sinking in a Dorset harbour.

Strong winds had blown the boat more than 300 feet from Poole Harbour's shore, when it got into difficulty.


Portland Coastguard said the boat began "taking in water very quickly".


The father, who at one stage was in the water, dialled 999 while his children waited onboard the boat for rescuers to arrive.


Poole Coastguard team, Poole lifeboat and an ambulance were deployed on Saturday afternoon.


The family were examined by paramedics but they did not receive hospital treatment, the coastguard spokeswoman added.


The boat was towed into harbour.

BBC news


Mad Mike


I heard the children were on the boat, and the dad was putting the trailer away when the boat got blown away from Baiter.

Sounds as though he launched it and expected it to stay where he put it without anchoring or mooring to something!!!! sick.gifsick.gif

Sounds like a lucky escape. smile.gifsmile.gif


I watched a Discovery prog' last night, it was about a special police unit that tried to trace missing persons. The crux of this episode was about two guys, well off successful business men in their late 30's who bought a Phantom 21 power boat with a 200hp outboard, trailer and all. Niether had any boating experiance at all, but they promptly took the whole lot (4 days after they bought it) via ferry cross channel to France. Some week or so later after being reported missing their tow car (new Merc') and trailer was discovered in a French boat yard. The boat cover was inside the car.

The men and boat have never been found. However the French yard reported that they had launched and taken off for England. The boat had 1 tank of fuel, no compass, no radio, no anchor, no life jackets and the men were dressed in shorts and T shirts.


The conclusion was that they must have had no idea of the rate a 200HP O/B would guzzle fuel and that somewhere in the shipping lanes it must have run out of fuel and been run down by another much larger vessel whilst adrift and out of control........................................


Mad Mike

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