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A beautiful start to the morning with the forecast giving a 3 to 4 through till 15:00.

Left Weymouth harbour at about 08:00 and dropped the hook 13.6 miles later over our chosen wreck.


Almost simultaneously with the anchor going down, the wind got up and was blowing a good 5. The rolling swell was now a really nasty sloppy old sea. Then the drissel came in too.


Coupled with anchoring a bit close to the ironwork things weren't looking great.


Over went three flappers and 10 mins later both Phil and I had typical "snatchy" bites. Phil's went slack as his had taken him over something sharp and cut him off at the leader, mine was right in the wreck and I had to break off, Barry's also went slack and was cut by something sharp as the boat swung about.


B@gger! Time to reposition. Anchored a bit better this time, but the wind was now holding us just to the northern end of the wreck. Still a good chance, but not perfect.

Wind is steadily increasing and holding 6 now. "This is much earlier than forecast" so on goes the shipping forecast.

"Selsey Bill to Lyme Regis inshore waters forecast South 6 veering West 8 ocassionally 9 soon. Sea rough to very rough!"


....Time to come home weep.gif


Took a steady run back in with the sea building constantly sick.gif , did a couple of reckies of some wreckies we were passing on the way in. Not too bad a ride once we were heading north with the sea up our jacksie and Phil had a bash helming us back to Weymouth whilst I felt sorry for myself.


Interesting sea, biggish rolling swell (Average 5 foot topping 8 foot I guess). On the way out this was quite pleasant. Then as the wind built we then got a short chop on top of the swell. That made for fun boating. The boat was great , but she did get her whole shaft and prop clear a couple of times.


Mileage: 28

Bait: 6 mackeral

Bites: 2

Lost: 3 sets of gear

Fish: Won (not one)


That's fishing!



Thanks Phil and Barry for the company, sorry your journey was wasted.






I did think about you earlier today when I went past Baiter at around 1330. A sunseeker (about 35' was going up through the harbour and throwing loads of water and spray around so I guessed it was a little rough outside.


As you say that


Well, never mind, as least everyone is save and back on dry land which is important. The upside is, hopefully the fish are still there next time you go out. laugh.gif

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