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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Paul, this may be one for you to answer:

When you look at the board statistic it states that on Sep.27 2004, 10:48pm there were 34 members online. I don't think we've been anywhere near that figure since I've been a member. What was happening at the time; site testing perhaps?

I think we should make an effort to beat this record if only to change the figures at the bottom of the page blink.gif













On September 27th we had a total of 184 visits, it just happened that 34 of these visits happened at the same time. That total online at the same time hasnt been reached since even though we are now receiving over 400 visits per day biggrin.gif






Back then the session expiry time was set to something like 2 hours. This meant that you could log on and would appear as logged on 2 hours after logging off.

It is now set to a much more realistic time.


Also, search engine spiders increase the number of logged on users - probably was this that caused the increase then.





Quote by Paul D. [ Back then the session expiry time was set to something like 2 hours. This meant that you could log on and would appear as logged on 2 hours after logging off.

It is now set to a much more realistic time.]


Paul.just what is that more realistic time ? I occasionaly forget to log out if something distracts me,and when returning next day or longer.I am still logged in...jack dry.gif



It is something like 30 mins now. What you are seeing is the cahced page from the previous session ( if you press refresh on your browser you will get an updated page ).


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