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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Although I didnt see the news report locally, I heard from a friend of the Incident


You may have seen on the local news over the weekend that a yachtsman was lost overboard Friday night/sat morning off a yacht to the south of Portland. His body was found some 3 hours later.


Most of the members of his club (Dell Quay SC, Chichester) are shocked as sadly it was one of the cruiser section members. The guy was a help anybody type guy. Much involved as doer rather than an organiser. He was on the House committee which organises and runs events. He was always around in the club often helping behind the bar. He also helped with the Girl Guides locally.


Apparently he was helping a friend bring back the friends new boat along the coast to Chichester Harbour.


he probably only made a simple mistake and it turned out to be a bad one.


Of course, we feel upmost empathy especially for his familly and friends, and the skipper of the yacht involved. Without being at all judgemental, we all understand how dangerous our sport can be at times and whilst being absorbed in what we enjoy, know how easy it is to forget basic safety precautions.


A timely reminder to those venturing out before the water warms up.



weep.gif Body recovered after 2 hours in the water. Coldest time of year so inevitable. Told he was wearing oilskins and a flotation collar, not realy enough if that was the case. Very sad but a lesson to be learned. weep.gif

Further information here:




Was once caught about 5 miles off St Albans in incredibly heavy overfalls with a SW6, just as the spring ebb tide was increasing.


Hate to think what it was like over the weekend with those temperatures. Not a nice place to be in any small boat in those conditions.


There but for the grace etc...






As a few have said - not really the kit to be wearing when offshore at night in a F7-8, no life jacket either, just a horseshoe ring.


Having spent 20 Min's in the sea at Horsea a few weeks ago clothed in 18mm of wetsuit - I can testify to just how cold it can be - beyond belief, and that is in sheltered water.


Easy with benefit of hindsight though as many of us know.



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