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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Just a quick straw poll.


I have 3 places for a trip to Scotland next year after Common Skate. We would be fishing from boat like our trailer section for 4 days.


Plan is to fly to Glasgow, on a cheapy flight from Southampton, pick up a hire car and drive the 3 hours to Oban, where we meet the guys.


You will need a pair of 50lb rods and matched reels and the other kit associated with this type of fishing.


Accomidation is self catering, and pretty basic.


As I say I only have three places so I just need initial intrest. If I get loads I may have to think of a faor way of picking places??...


Likey to be June - August ish time.




Adam, I'm up for that one too, I have been chatting to Reg, the guy who has just joined the club, from that far away place called Newcastle. He has sowed the seed about thwir club trailaway for skate, although we hadnt discussed dates etc.




Hi all. It's loch linnhe where we go. which leads out on to the sound of mull it's only about 5-10 mins steamingl. the lodge we normally stop at is usally used by divers as they like to play on the wrecks. there is one road in same one out. a few houses two bar's a post office and that's it. you have to cook your own grub which ain't a hardship as there is no cafe's. you won't need waders as we are stright into deep water and you can be picked up from the jetty. no need to bring any weights so that will keep the baggage down. terminal tackle we can sort you out with so don't bother with that. the divers lodge is not a bad place it's clean and warm. just bring plenty of beer money in case we get blown off. I will let Adam know the price of the lodge as soon as I can contact them.


In answer to your e-mail Adam we have not been able to get off since before xmas and it still look's like we ain't going this weekend AGAIN. Rich we ain't that far up the country just look's a long way on the map.





Adam, we used John Keggie's boat Oberon, he's got a even bigger cat now Oberon 2. 4 of us fished with 2 rods each on the old boat, so the bigger cat can even fish more if number is more.


He is base just outside Oban, their's a b&b on 25 per night off peak. There's a restuarant and a bar. Oban is only five minutes away in a car, there's even a whisky factory which does taste and guide rolleyes.gif


Oban is only about 1 1/2 hour from glasgow airport, brealth taking scenry specially in the morning.



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