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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Have several boat moves around Easter and wonder if anyone fancies coming along for the ride?


1) After work on the 12th I need to bring my own boat around from Weymouth to Salterns.

If anyone wants to come they would need to be at Salterns around 17:00.

I will drive us to Weymouth to collect my boat, back at Salterns for about 20:30ish


2) Once she has been antifouled, new anodes and had trim tabs fitted I need to run her back to Weymouth (probably Good Friday). Time to suit us and tides etc.


3 & 4) Anytime after the 13th I need to bring a Leader 805 Sports Cruiser and a Merry Fisher 655 back from our offices in Southampton.

Unfortunately I cannot let someone loose without me onboard, but we can do two completely separate trips.

Whatever days we agree on we will meet at Salterns at about 9:00ish, drive in one car to collect whichever boat. Arrive at Salterns and then go back in the other car to collect the car which is in Southampton. 3 & 4 would be ideal if we had a total of three drivers as we could get both boats over the course of a day and still all get our cars back.


Does any of that make any sense???? blink.gif

If so and you fancy coming along then please let me know as you will be welcome to join the ride.

No fishing unfortunately as this is workish related and we will go in any SAFE weather, bumpy or not.


Let me know


  • 2 weeks later...



It was a pleasure having you onboard for the run round.

Lovely evening, still a slight chill in the air, but near perfect conditions with a few overfalls around St Albans.


Good fun and with the tide behind us we made good headway.


Thanks for the company, you are welcome anytime!




Just to remind anyone who fancies a trip.


I still have to bring a Leader 805 sports cruiser and a Merry Fisher 655 around from Southampton at some point in the very near future if anyone fancies a run around.


A bit of flexibility over cars would be great as we will need to drive to our S'ton head office at Universal Marina on the Hamble, collect a boat and then use "AN Other" car to go and get the first afterwards.


Dates are fairly flexible, but will probably need to be during a week day or early evening before dark.






You will be welcome along.

Dates are fairly flexible.

So far I have Duncan, Coddy and Adam who may be able to come along.


Two boats to bring round.

Checking out insurance as I may be able to let Duncan helm the Leader with "A N Other" onboard and I'll take the Merry Fisher with anyone else.


Keep an open mind over dates guys.







Just to let you know - I may now be struggling to help with this. I only have a few hours spare this week, next week is chocka and the week after we are in the Islands (hopefully).


I will be free from the 3rd week in May, but I guess that will be too late.






Hi Guys


Thanks for the offers. Paul, I'll be in Alderney that week.


Truth is I am struggling to find time myself right now to actually get the boats.


I shall post as soon as I have a firm date with 1st dibs going to those that have already offered.


Thanks chaps, I must get them here soon as I am running out of stock!



Please revise that last comment!


The MF655 is being collected tomorrow morning.


In order of those who first asked:


Duncan, Coddy, Adam, Paul and then anyone else.


If you would like to come with me for a jaunt, we can take upto two others (truck space), then please post here to confirm.


You will need to be at Salterns at 07:15 tomorrow morning.

Myself and Nick Trainer (Trim Tab man) are towing a MF625 back to Universal Marina in his L200 Crew Cab.

I shall be getting dropped off to bring the 655 back to Salterns.


All things being equal and no serious hold ups I would like to be back at Salterns between 11:00 and 12:00.


Please post here if you want to come.





Well no takers on the run round this morning, but probably just as well as it took two hours to get to S'ton with a car fire on the A31 then punching tide all the way back. The usual "cobbles", through the Solent shortly followed by a very "interesting" swell that was stepp enough to get the shaft driven propeller out of the water as you toppled down the wave.


Boat handled great and apart from some very minor wiring cock-ups should fly through the commissioning process.



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