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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

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Last week I spotted a small shoal of mullet fry hugging the inside wall of the marina.

Whilst having a fag this afternoon I saw a large grey shadow under one of the pontoons.

A closer look revealed a really good mullet of a guestimated 6lb.

The only one all on it's lonesome, but a great start.


Woohoo, the Summer fish are on their way back.






Small shoal of 3 to 4lb fish spotted half an hour ago!!!!



I am not dreaming, on drugs, gay otherwise of a peculiar nature...


It is true and confirmed by an eye witness too!




salterns is a no fishing area i sat there every lunchtime on my work experience watching the huge mullet swim round in circles and couldn't even get a rod in the water




Had great fun last Summer during my (very few biggrin.gif ) ciggy breaks.


"Do I go for Mullet or Bass"


Tough choice really.

Average size of the mullet I had out last year was 4lb all taken on an avon rod or light Barbel rod, 6lb line, size 6 hook with either floating or sunk freelined bread.

Average size of the Bass is a little over 2lb.

Last year in the marina I managed to top out at about 6lb with both species.


But, NO, you musn't fish the marina. I just hide myself with the bosuns and hope the boss doesn't see us.



Have just returned from a quick visit to my boat, during which I checked under pontoons carefully. I wonder if you have the only shoal in Poole, Tom !





Had you been hear yesterday you would have seen them.

...oh you were... blink.gif


These were witnessed fair and square by a couple of the guys that work in the marina.


We look after our shoals so they return year on year.

A diet of as much mighty white as the mullet want and plenty of live prawns for the Bass.

They know which side there bread is buttered and come and see us first.






New fish bait for 2006 is buttered bread!


Will catch Mullet and Bass! wink.gif


You have read it first here ohmy.gif




Yea right, I have little pink fairys at the bottom of my garden as well! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






New fish bait for 2006 is buttered bread!


Will catch Mullet and Bass! wink.gif


You have read it first here ohmy.gif




Yea right, I have little pink fairys at the bottom of my garden as well! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




All fishermen know that fish will eat anything that does not have a hook in it. They will happily munch plastic cups, tea spoons, Kit Kat wrappers, etc but put a hook in a prime peeler and they will turn their noses up and chase cucumber sandwiches.


Bitter ? Moi? Never! sad.gif


Mad Mike

Far better though, than having a little furry pink bottom in the garden sick.gif


Although there are some that might find that attractive ohmy.gif


Mad Mike

Mike what are you suggesting???? mad.gif

I might own a Merry Fisher, buit that doesn't mean I am a Gay Angler!



Mike says [qoute ]..." Fish will eat anything that DOE'snt have a hook in it."!!


At last I know what I am doing wrong,I use hooks every time !!! biggrin.gif jack

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